    Happiness Is So Simple
    They say the best things in life are free, and I couldn't agree more. Don't get me wrong, I love getting new video games and that latest smartphone as much as the next kid. But the things that really make me happy don't cost a penny.
    Take last Saturday morning for example. I woke up early, around 7am. At first I was annoyed that my body clock had betrayed me yet again and robbed me of those precious weekend lie-in hours. But instead of burying my head back under the covers, I decided to make the most of it. I tiptoed downstairs, careful not to wake my little brother who could sleep through a hurricane.
    I made myself a mug of hot chocolate and crept outside to the backyard. I nestled into the hammock we have strung between the old oak tree and the fence. Sipping my chocolatey drink, I watched the sunrise. I'd never bothered to do that before. But let me tell you, it was amazing. Breathtaking even.
    As the sky morphed from inky blue-black to vibrant pinks, purples and oranges, I felt completely relaxed. The usual stresses of school, friends, chores and sibling squabbles melted away. I was alone with nature, and that was enough. More than enough actually - it was perfect.
    A robin landed on the fence, cocking its head inquisitively at this stranger enjoying such an early hour. We regarded each other for a while until the little bird flitted off to go about its morning routine. Watching it soar effortlessly into the dawn sky, I realized I didn't need my phone, or games, or any of my other cherished possessions to be content. I just needed to be present in that moment.
    Eventually my mom came out, ready to start on her beloved weekend baking. She looke
d surprised but delighted to see me nestled in the hammock. "You're up with the birds today!" she remarked with a bemused smile. I simply returned her smile and resolved to wake up for more sunrises - you can't put a price on tiny pockets of peace like that.
    The rest of the weekend was hardly Instagram-worthy. We ran some errands, I bickered with my brother over control of the TV remote, dad mowed the lawn while mom prepped food for the week ahead. All very ordinary. But I noticed so many more incidental joys.
    Like the satisfaction of putting my closet in perfect order, hangers stratospherically equidistant. The smell of fresh laundry brought in from the line. A dancing dusting mote spotlighted in a sunbeam. A baby's bubbling laugh from a stroller pushed down the street. My brother's yelp of delight after finally getting the video game high score.
    Maybe it's a cliche, but it really is the little things that make life a richly textured tapestry. Those tiny, unassuming, easily overlooked moments are what true happiness is woven from. Not purchased or possessed, but simply appreciated. Once you realize that, every day feels like an exceptional gift, no matter how routinely mundane.
    So while I'll never say no to the latest gadget or must-have pair of sneakers, true contentment has to come from within. The greatest things in life really aren't things at all. Happiness is so simple, so free, so abundant. You just have to stop and truly see the beauty in each ordinary minute. I'm working on that - one sunrise at a time.幸福原来很简单
    Happiness is Just This Simple
    When I was asked to write about what makes me happy for this English essay, I wasn't sure where to start. Happiness is kind of an abstract concept, isn't it? It's not something you can just pick up and examine. But then I started thinking about all the little moments in life that make me smile, and I realized happiness doesn't have to be this huge, complicated thing. Sometimes the simplest things are what make me happiest.
    One of my favorite simple pleasures is reading a good book. I'm what you might call a bookworm – I just devour stories, getting totally lost in different worlds and characters' lives.
There's something so satisfying about curling up with a fresh new book, inhaling that intoxicating new book smell, and cracking open the cover to begin a new adventure. Whether it's a fantasy epic, a suspenseful mystery, or a funny contemporary novel, reading just transports me away from any worries or stress I might be feeling. For those couple of hours, I'm no longer a seventh grader with looming test deadlines – I'm a brave knight battling a dragon, a detective hot on the trail of a criminal mastermind, or a regular kid just trying to survive the crazy ups and downs of middle school. Reading is like a mini vacation for my mind that I can take anytime.