This winter, the ice city of Harbin is unusually bustling. 这个冬天,冰城哈尔滨异常火爆。
The reason behind the bustling atmosphere in Harbin this winter can be attributed to the ongoing Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival. 这个冬天哈尔滨异常火爆的原因可以归功于正在进行的哈尔滨国际冰雪雕塑节。
Tourists from both near and far flock to Harbin during this time of year to witness the magnificent ice and snow sculptures that line the streets of the city. 来自近处和远方的游客纷纷涌入哈尔滨,目睹着城市街道两旁那壮观的冰雪雕塑。
The festival has become a major tourist attraction, drawing in millions of visitors each year to marvel at the intricate designs and impressive structures created from ice and snow. 这个节日已经成为一个主要的旅游胜地,每年吸引着数百万游客来欣赏由冰雪制成的精致设计和令人印象深刻的结构。
Local businesses also benefit greatly from the influx of tourists, as they see a significant incre
ase in sales during the festival period. 当地商家也因游客的涌入而受益匪浅,他们在节日期间的销售额显著增加。
Not only do tourists get to admire the stunning sculptures, but they also have the chance to participate in various winter activities such as ice skating, sledding, and ice fishing. 游客不仅能够欣赏令人惊叹的雕塑,而且还有机会参与各种冬季活动,如滑冰、滑雪车和钓冰。
这个冬天Overall, the winter atmosphere in Harbin is truly magical during this time, with the streets illuminated by colorful lights and the air filled with laughter and excitement. 总体上,哈尔滨的冬季氛围在这个时候真是神奇,街道上被五彩缤纷的灯光照亮,空气充满了笑声和兴奋。