k枯萎的反义词是什么ū 水份全没有withered/dried up:~树a withered tree丨~井a dry well
枯燥 单调,无兴趣dull and dry/uninteresting
枯肠 比喻写诗作文时贫乏的思路impoverished mind:搜索~,不成一句having racked my brains, but not a single sentence is made
枯竭 (水源)干涸;断绝dried up/exhausted/drain:水源~the source has dried up丨精力~be totally exhausted
枯涩 枯燥而呆滞dull and heavy:文字~a dull and heavy style
枯萎(wěi) 干枯萎缩withered:叶子完全~了the leaves are completely withered
枯木逢春 比喻重获生机spring comes to the withered tree/good fortune that comes after a long spell of bad luck/get a new lease of life