寒假帮父母做家务的英语日记带翻译 1
    星期五的晚上,我和从妈__药店回到家里,看见家里有些乱,我和就说:“咱俩打扫卫生吧。”说:“好呀,反正妈妈每天忙的也没时间,我们就自己打扫吧。”于是,我们就很快行动 起来,我来擦桌子,擦窗户,不一会,家里打扫的干干净净的。
    On Friday night, my sister and I came home from my mother's drugstore. When we saw that the house was a bit messy, my sister and I said, “let's clean up." My sister said, "well, anyway, my mother is busy every day. Let's clean it by ourselves." So, we moved quickly. I came to clean the table, and my sister cleaned the windows. Soon, the house was clean.
    When mom and dad came back from work and saw the house was clean, they asked, "who cleaned it?" My sister and I said, "it's us." Mom and dad said happily, "you are really grown up. You can help mom clean up."
    I'm very happy after listening, and I also feel that I'm really grown up. I decided that I would help my mother do housework often in the future.
寒假帮父母做家务的英语日记带翻译 2
    Watching my mother busy all day, very hard, so I decided to find the opportunity to help my mother do something.
    今天妈妈不在家,我把自己的臭袜子脱下,把盆子里放些水,倒上一点洗衣液,开始搓洗,真好玩,刚搓几下泡泡就在我小手上跳起舞来,哇!越来越多,我开始拍打双手 ,泡泡溅得到处都 是,连镜子中我都变成了大花脸,我急忙拿来抹布,想把镜子上的泡沫抹干净,不小心撞到了盆子,只听“砰”的一声盆子里的水洒了一地,我又急忙来笤帚扫,结果干净
的地面被我搞的面目全非, 真糟糕!正在我不知所措时,妈妈回来了,她先是一愣,当看到我那副可笑的大花脸,和我怕被批评的'表情,妈妈知道为什么了,就开心地笑起来了,妈妈并没有批评我,妈妈还夸我长大了,真听话! 看到妈__笑容,我也开心的笑了起来,后来妈妈和我一起整理脏乱的一切后,妈妈耐心的教我怎么洗袜子,我很快都学会了,真高兴!
    Today, my mother was not at home. I took off my smelly socks, put some water in the basin, poured some washing liquid, and began to scrub. It was really fun. Just after rubbing the bubbles, I began to dance on my little hands. WOW! More and more, I began to clap my hands, and the bubbles splashed everywhere Yes, even in the mirror I have e a big dried fruit face. I hurriedly took the rag, wanted to clean the foam on the mirror, and accidentally hit the pot. Only listening to the sound of "bang", the water in the basin was sprinkled all over the place, I hurriedly sought broom sweeps, and the result was that the clean ground was pletely disoriented by me. What a mess! When I was at a loss, my mother came back. She was stunned at first. When she saw my funny big face and my face that I was afraid of being criticized, my mother knew why and laughed happily. My mother didn't criticize me. My mother also praised that I grew up, so obedient! When I saw my mot
her's smile, I also laughed happily. Later, my mother and I sorted out the mess together. My mother patiently taught me how to wash socks. I learned it very quickly. I'm so happy!
    Today, I learned to wash socks. I won't have to bother my mother. I'm so happy!
寒假帮父母做家务的英语日记带翻译 3
    Today is Sunday. I want to help my mother with housework. When I say do it, I will do it. I pick up the broom and start to sweep it from the kitchen. As I sweep it, I see a lot of small garbage in the back. My mother says with a smile, "please sweep it again." I sweep it, and I get rid of the broom. My mother and I laugh. After reinstalling the broom, I began to clean it carefully again. I cleaned every corner of the kitchen, living room and bedroom, but I still had to get the piles of garbage into the trash can. However, I couldn't get it very clean. It took nine cows and two tigers to get all the garbage on the ground into the trash can. Finally, the ground was cleaned and I watched the clean house I'm very happy. My mother praised that I have grown up and I will help my mother do more housework in the future.