    From Desolation to Excitement.
    It was a gloomy Monday morning when I woke up feeling utterly desolate. The rain was pouring outside, matching my mood perfectly. I had just received a rejection letter from my dream university, and the disappointment was overwhelming. I couldn't help but feel like all my hard work and aspirations had been in vain.
    As I sat in my room, staring out of the window, I couldn't help but dwell on the negative thoughts that consumed me. I felt like a failure, and it seemed like the world was against me. However, little did I know that this moment of despair would eventually transform into a moment of triumph.
    Days turned into weeks, and I slowly began to pick up the pieces of my shattered dreams. I realized that dwelling on the past and wallowing in self-pity wouldn't get me anywhere. I nee
ded to take control of my emotions and find a way to turn my desolation into motivation.
    I decided to seek advice from my mentor, who had always been a source of inspiration for me. He reminded me that setbacks are a part of life, and it's how we respond to them that defines our character. He encouraged me to use this rejection as a stepping stone towards greater success.
    With renewed determination, I started exploring other opportunities. I researched different universities and programs that aligned with my interests and goals. I reached out to professors and professionals in my field of study, seeking guidance and advice. I even enrolled in online courses to enhance my skills and knowledge.
    Slowly but surely, my desolation began to fade away, replaced by a newfound excitement. I realized that this rejection was not the end of the world, but rather a chance for me to reassess my goals and pursue new paths. I started to see the silver lining in the situation and embraced the possibilities that lay ahead.
    Months later, I received an acceptance letter from a prestigious university that I had never even considered before. It was a moment of pure exhilaration and triumph. I had turned my initial desolation into a driving force that pushed me to achieve even greater heights.
    (字数,中文回答 265 字)。