机械复制艺术论文:美学论文机械复制艺术 古典美学 现代美学 审美价值转换
【英文摘要】Todays society has entered a more comprehensive and age-depth copy, reproduce fully involved in the production and dissemination of art and become the basic c
haracteristics of modern art and development trends. Refers to the use of mechanical reproduction photography, photocopying, recording, scanning technology can be endlessly copied image, and these images can even be cut, zoom, collage, splicing, a large number of repeated in social life. Against replication research, Benjamins theory of mechanical reproduction of epoch-making significance. Early in the 20th century,30 years, Benjamin will be just starting out as a mechanical reproduction art such as film study, predicted that the era of mechanical reproduction and development of the arts to become the inevitable trend of the times. He stood in the times the height of the emerging technology of mechanical reproduction system theoretical explanation, and replication occurred in the context of the classical aesthetic to modern aesthetic value of the conversion were analyzed. Conditions for the reproduction of contemporary art more and more prominent changes in the aesthetic value of the problem, Benjamins Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, to provide a unique perspective and important theoretical basis.In this paper, Benjamins aesthetic thinking case studies, focused on Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, the aesthetics of mechanical reproduction theoretical interpretation, in-dept
h analysis of mechanical reproduction technology for conversion of the significance of aesthetic value, demonstration of mechanical reproduction in the classical to the modern aesthetic value of the pivotal role of the intermediary conversion, in order to find copy of a more mature period in contemporary art aesthetic to draw on the useful resources. And by copying the classical to the modern context of the aesthetic value of the conversion of Benjamin, Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, in the aesthetic value of the conversion of the importance and value to analysis and appraisal.The main content is to Benjamin, Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, a theoretical explanation of system thinking, the main catch Benjamins mechanical reproduction theory to examine, analyze, circumstantial evidence and interpretation of Benjamins mechanical reproduction of aesthetic thought and its value of the status and role in the conversion process. In the age of mechanical reproduction, the existence of modern art forms, aesthetic accepted standards of beauty and aesthetic value of such a profound transformation, in terms of levels as follows:in the presence of characteristic, traditional art has a unique authenticity and authority; and mechanical reproduction art has lost can be copied and authenticity.T
he function of art, traditional art subject of religion and witchcraft by function, with a worship ceremony of value; the lost art of mechanical reproduction, the value of religious worship, turning attention to the realization of the value of its shows;to accept the way in the aesthetic, the traditional works of art needs an aesthetic contemplation, subject and object of a certain distance, but also a way to taste carefully; mechanical reproduction art is a fast response time being, the distance between subject and object disappear, like a work of art The bullet hit the viewer, turning the visual characteristics of tactile qualities, personal contemplation of contemplation is replaced by collective interaction. How will the aesthetic value of a fundamental shift is rooted in the era of large industrial machines, so that the art replication technology involved in producing a comprehensive spread of the existing forms of art, aesthetic standards and to accept fundamental changes in the way, leading to the aesthetic value of the systemic conversion to occur.Benjamins mechanical reproduction in the case study of aesthetics, this paper studied using a variety of ways:first, the literature study, theory of mechanical reproduction of the relevant literature Benjamin comparative study and theoretical explanation, demonstration, mechanical reproduction In the classica
l aesthetic to modern aesthetics in the conversion process the position and role. Second, keyword research method, to seize the Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, in a few core concepts, such as Emmanuel, display value, cult value of such comparative analysis, and sort out the mechanical reproduction technology aesthetic value of the production of the aesthetic characteristics of the many aspects such as standards of beauty and acceptance of the way what kind of conversion, the conversion process and the conversion of specific traits that after the formation of aesthetic ideas.Mechanical Reproduction by Walter Benjamins theory of argumentation, the aesthetic value of modern art conversion of great significance. First, clear the aesthetic value of the conversion of mechanical reproduction in the pivotal role in mediating, reproduction and deepening of the era of the inevitable trend of historical development, its place on the aesthetic value of the role of conversion is a long time, profound. Therefore, the theory of mechanical reproduction, the value for the sort of contemporary aesthetic and theoretical context of the evolution of theoretical significance. Second, the contemporary art into a more comprehensive copy of the times, its aesthetic problems stand out. Benjamins incisive anal
ysis of mechanical reproduction on to explore the aesthetic strategies of contemporary art to provide a meaningful reference value. Benjamin in particular, predicted the emergence of replication lead to public art, the aesthetic problem for contemporary art has a profound enlightenment.Benjamin mechanical reproduction through the analysis of aesthetics argument, drawn art of mechanical reproduction techniques involved in the production of a comprehensive spread of existing forms of modern art, perception acceptable way, the functional significance of such a series of fundamental transformation of aesthetic values, and Classic to Modern aesthetic value of the conversion occurs is the source of the rise of replication and use of mechanical reproduction in the aesthetic value of the conversion process with a pivotal role in mediation. Therefore, through the intermediary of mechanical reproduction hub of research and feasibility studies will help sort out the root causes of the evolution of aesthetics context of reproduction age in the context of modern art aesthetic creation of theoretical guidance