My hometown is Xinxing County, Guangdong Province, where the specialty is delicious plum and cold fruit. People there like to raise animals, such as chickens and rabbits. Because raising chickens makes people in their hometown rich, most of them now live in their hometown. There are three dogs in front of my house, a tree that has lived for more than 20 years. It can grow more than 10 fruits every year. There is a long stream in front of my house. There are fish, tadpoles and frogs in it. I like to go fishing there very much. When I was fishing in my hometown, I caught a long and big fish. I was very happy!
Always think my hometown is the most beautiful and lovely.
平凡的美丽我的家乡在广东新兴县,那里的特产是好吃的话梅,凉果,我们那里的人非常喜欢养动物,像小鸡,小兔。因为养鸡让家乡的人富起来,现在家乡人在家乡里多数养鸡生活。我的家门口有三只狗,一棵活了20多年的树,它每一年能长10几个果实,我家前还有一条长长的小溪,里面有小鱼,小蝌蚪,青蛙。我非常喜欢去那里钓鱼。我有一次在家乡钓鱼的时候,钓了一条又长又大的鱼,我高兴极了! 总觉得我的家乡最美丽,也最可爱的。