    My sister is a clean freak. She loves nothing more than to tidy up the house and make everything spotless. I, on the other hand, am much more of a mess. I am constantly leaving things out of place and making a mess of the house.
    One day, my sister decided that she had had enough of my messiness. She told me that she was going to clean up my room and make it her own. I was horrified! I didn't want her to touch my stuff.
    But my sister was determined. She went into my room and started cleaning. She put away all of my clothes, made my bed, and even vacuumed the floor. When she was finished, my room looked like a new room. It was so clean and tidy.
    I was so impressed with my sister's work. I couldn't believe that she had transformed my room so quickly. I thanked her for cleaning up my mess and told her that I would try to be mor
e tidy in the future.
    To this day, my sister still likes to clean up my room every once in a while. I don't mind, though. I know that she is just trying to help me be a better person.