My hometown has changed a lot over the past few years. When I was younger, there were only a few small shops and restaurants in the town. Now, there are many more big supermarkets and stores.
The roads have also changed. They used to be narrow and bumpy, but now they are wider and more smooth. This makes it easier for cars to travel through the town.
家乡变化作文One of the biggest changes is the new park. It used to be an empty field, but now it has a playground, a fountain, and lots of beautiful flowers and trees. Many people come to the park to have picnics and play games.
There are also more events and activities in the town now. We have a yearly food festival, where people can try different kinds of food from all over the world. We also have a music concert every summer, where local bands and singers perform.
Although there have been many positive changes, there are some negative ones too. With m
ore cars on the road, there is now more air pollution. The town also feels more crowded and busy than before.
Overall, I think the changes have been good for our town. There are more things to do and see, and it makes our hometown a more interesting place to live. I look forward to seeing what other changes will come in the future.