Learning English for Competition
1.As we have said,Chinese have decided that English is the language of international competition,and they are going to speak competition.
2.In fact,as if tonight,there are more people studying English in China than there are people in America.
3.And Clarissa Ward is telling us how they doing it. She is in Beijing tonight.
4.China is in a throw of campaign to breakthrough the language barrier.In the next5years,all the government employees under40will be required to master at least1,000phrases in English.And all schools will begin to teach English in kindergartens.
5.China is learning English.Parents who cannot afford it are forking out for private language schools that are popping out across the country.
6.where kids start learning as young as two.By the time they are10,they are fluent.
7.It’s a part of push to promote internationalism.“China is more open to the world.We want our kids to open their eyes to get to know the world,to look at China not only from standing in China,but also form outside of China,”
8.State-run TV has even launched an American idol type of reality show where kids have to sell themselves in English to clinch the judges’votes. 9.For adults,learning the language is more of a struggle.They push together their mouths around alien sounds.
10.But it hasn’t deterred them from trying.And many here are hoping more Americans will do the same. 11.As a part of the new initiative,the government is also funding teacher training programs,looking at new models of language learning and developing new textbooks.1.正如我们说的那样,中国人确定英语是国际竞争的语言,他们要讲竞争了。
从远处看,医学像是一套完美的知识。但在行医的地方靠近观察,可以清楚地发现我们的知识体在迅速成长、不断改变着。医学上的进步就是这样取得的:一次一个答案。Twelve years ago,during the medical school open-ceremony, the dean said to the freshmen:“Half of what we teach you here is wrong”.Regrettably,it was hard for freshmen to understand and believe at the time.
In the anatomy lab,in the lecture hall and in the instruction room,they were being shown the secrets of how the body lives,how it works,how it dies.Like math,it has the feel of authority and certainty.
But now,the then-students have become attending doctors and teachers of residents,who have a profound understanding of that dean's aphorism.Indeed,medicine is, and always has been,an evolving and dynamic science.
And this necessarily means that what we know about medicine is constantly changing;that medicine is forever putting forth,and simultaneously upending,assumptions.
From a distance,medicine looks like a complete and beautiful body of knowledge.But here,up close,where medicine is practiced,it's clear that our body of knowledge is growing rapidly,changing constantly.It's the way progress is made in medicine,one answer at a time.
Is Your Doctor Outdated?
1.The practice of medicine is constantly changing,constantly evolving.The question is:Is your doctor keeping up to date?
2.It’s happening too often:doctors failing to follow what is called“evidence-based medicine.”
3.“Every doctor needs to practice evidence-based medicine for a specific problem or condition.Practicing evidence-based medicine means using what is known to work.”
4.One study found patients get only55%of the recommended care for the leading causes of death and disability.Children get just47%of the recommended care.
5.The problem:many doctors use treatments based on the word of mouth from their colleagues,or research that’s now out of date.
6.“We do have physicians who continue to practice medicine based on how they were trained,and they are not incorporating new knowledge that we have into their practice.”
7.So how can patients know whether their doctors are practicing up-to-date medicine?
8.For starters,you can ask“Is your doctor board certified?”, which means passing a rigorous test in the physician’s specialty,then getting periodically re-tested.Or learn something as basic as“where did your doctor go to medical school?
9.“The leading medical schools teach doctors about the importance of evidence-based medicine.They also emphasize the importance of keeping up with the evidence base in terms of practicing good health care in the long run.”
10.And patients should never be afraid to ask exactly what is the evidence and rationale for this treatment or test.Leading physicians say being an up-to-date doctor was not function of age,but of attitude.
11.It is really about being receptive,taking the time and then looking at how do I practice medicine,how can I do that better.How can I improve the quality of care that I deliver? 12.Getting more doctors to practice better medicine so more patients enjoy better health.1.医疗实践在不断地变化,不断地发展。问题是:你的医生在与时俱进吗?
应当说,护士职责的重要性不亚于医生的职责。但是在一些国家,护士的收入和地位总体上与其职责不相称。这种局面必将导致护士短缺的问题更严重,最终受损害的是整个社会人的健康。When it comes to the development of nursing,many people will recall Florence Nightingale,a British nurse and the founder of modern nursing.Nursing,which before her time was considered low-grade unskilled labo
r,became a respected profession because of her efforts.
Nursing candidates must take rigorous training courses that include anatomy,physiology,pharmacology,the cause and treatment of disease,nutrition and diet,surgical skills,and a variety of techniques pertaining to patient care.
Many nurses also prepare for more specialized work,such as the care of newborn infants,maternity patients,or the mentally ill. The explosion of technical knowledge in the field of medicine and health has required nurses to become knowledgeable about sophisticated equipment,to learn about an increasing number of medications,and to design nursing care appropriate for different patients.
It should be said that a nurse performs duties no less important than a doctor does.However,in some countries the nurse’s income and status do not match with her duties on the whole. This situation will result in a more severe shortage of nurses, which is eventually detrimental to the health of the whole people in a society.
Decoding Cancer Cell DNA
1.Every day science is making strides against cancer,but sadly it remains a major killer.It is expected that there will be nearly a million and half new cancer cases this year.
2.More than a half million,or1,500a day will die from the disease, 30will die during the course of this broadcast.
3.But tonight scientists are reporting a hopeful development.It could lead to the treatments tailored to patients based on their DNA.
4."This is a landmark.It’s the first time we've had the complete DNA instruction book,of a cancer cell."
5.Scientists did it by analyzing the cells of a woman with leukemia. "We found10changes;10mutations in her tumor genome that may very well be related to her disease."
6.This may revolutionize the most advanced type of cancer treatments,called targeted therapies.
7.Right now,targeted therapy goes at cancer cells,but not normal cells.For example,the drug Herceptin works by selectively attacking a receptor found on the surface of breast cancer cells.
8.In the patient with leukemia,scientists went past the surface of the cell,all the way to the center—or nucleus—and examined the DNA, the blueprint for the entire body.
9.By comparing DNA from the patient's cancerous blood cells with DNA from her own normal skin,the researchers found changes present in genes of her leukemia,but not in the genes of her normal cells.
10."What's new here is that this entire encyclopedia of a cancer cell, which is400Encyclopedia Britannicas,all lined up end to end,has actually been read out in its entirety for the first time for a particular leukemia."
11."The ultimate hope is that you would look at someone's DNA and you'd say I know how to treat you based what I found in your genes.
12.The hope of designing personalized medicine for patients is what drove researchers to study the inner-workings of cells. 13."Cancer is a disease of the DNA,and we need to understand what goes wrong at the level of DNA,before we can really get good at understanding,diagnosing,and better treating the disease.”14."It will result in a revolution in medicine that I believe will only be matched by the discovery of antibiotics,"Collins said.
15.This is still a research tool,and cancer patients shouldn't expect immediate treatments.But doctors hope it will have real-life applications within the decade.1.每一天,科学在抗癌斗争中取得进展,但遗憾的是,癌症仍然是主要的杀手。预计今年将会有150万癌症新病例。