姓名:惠文文  班级:科信1122  学号:*********
        “极慢的立起来,到了个馄饨挑儿。 ” 
        King译文:Slowly he raised himself up and dragged himself along to a little stand where a peddler was selling steamed cakes.
        施译文:Slowly he stood up and made his way to a peddler selling dumpling soup from a portable stove. 
        施译文虽然与原文对位一致,而且用词也很准确,但却不如 King译文翻译的那样生动贴切。比如 King译文的两个动词的使用“raise”和“ drag”,宾语都是“ himself”,再现了当时“祥子”大病初愈后举步维艰的样子,两个及物动词的使用不禁使人体会到当时“祥子”感觉身体好像不再属于自己,而异常沉重的样子。但另一个例子则相反:
        “没想到自己的腿能会这样的不吃力,走到小店门口他一软就坐在了地上,昏昏沉沉的坐了好大半天,头上见上凉汗。 ” 
译文翻译        King译文:He wouldn’t have believed it possible that his legs could become so weak. When he got to the door of the little inn he had to sit down on the ground, and he stayed squatting there stupidly for a long while, his forehead covered with cold sweat. 
        施译文:but his legs were unbelievably weak and when he reached the door of the inn they suddenly gave way and he collapsed on the ground. He sat there in a daze for a long time, beads of cold sweat on his brow. 
其精彩的地方。对“一软就坐在了地上”这个场景的翻译上, King译文就显得没那么斟酌,他仅仅用了“had to sit down on the ground”来描写,“had to sit down”跟原文相比显得太弱,太苍白。而施译文则生动许多, “suddenly gave way and he collapsed on the ground”,“gave way and he 
collapsed”生动地再现了老舍描写的“祥子”“一软”坐在地上那一瞬间发生的场景。再比如“ beads of cold sweat on his brow”也与原文“头上见上凉汗”相近得多。所以总体来说,这一句施译文成功得多。另一个例子:
两个响嗝。 ” 
        King译文:but in a moment the hot liquid made its way like a warm thread through his insides to the bottom of his stomach, and he belched a couple of times.
        施译文:However, a second later, the soup seemed to have threaded its way down to his stomach and he belched loudly twice. 
        这一句话也是非常精彩的一句, King译文中的“ bottom”这个词使用得非常生动。第三段最后一句,“他知道自己又有了命。 ”作者写得非常冷漠,好像命在“祥子”并算不了什么,好像不知道什么时候它就会很容易地失掉。 
        King译文: He knew from that familiar sound that he had come back to life.
        施译文:At that he knew he was going to survive.
        这一句话 King译文的翻译就显得比较高明, “going to survive”表达的是一种连续的状态,直接翻译回来可以是“继续活下去”,而“come back to life”则更加贴于一种状态的转换,从死亡到生还,让人不禁联想到“祥子”从死亡的边缘挣扎回这个世界的过程,而这也跟作者对“祥子”的命的描写更吻合。 
        中译英,对于母语是中文的译者来说是比较困难的,过程中会出现很多问题。从两篇译文对整体翻译来看,施译文与原文对照显得对位工整,而且用词考究,但是流畅程度却不如 King译文。总之,这两种译文都有值得我们学习的地方。