Tofu originated in ancient China more than 2,100 years ago. Chinese legend ascribes its invention to Prince Liu An of Huainan. Tofu is beloved by Chinese people, and it is also one of the main foods of East Asian and Southeast Asian such as Vietnam, Korea, Japan, and so on. Up to now, there are many different varieties of tofu, including fresh tofu and bean products. Tofu has very little flavour or smell on its own, so it can be used either in savoury or sweet dishes. And it is a healthy food which contains high calcium, low fat and calories and rich iron.
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Water resources in China are unevenly distributed. Generally speaking, the south is rich in water while the north is short of this resource; and the east is rich in water whereas the west l
acks it. With the increase of population and the development of economy, the problem of water shortage in the north is getting even more serious. One solution is to divert water from one drainage basin to another, namely, from south to north. The South-to-North Water Diversion Project has the east, middle and west lines. The three lines can be developed by several stages according to national economic development and the existing financial capacity. Today, the east and middle lines have been constructed, while the west line is for a long-term plan.
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The representative of the unique Fujian dwellings is the Chengqi Building in Gaobei Village, Gaotou Township, Yongding County, Fujian Province. Known as the King of Earthen Buildings, Chengqi Building was created by three generations over a period of some 50 years. In 1981, Chengqi Building was included into the Dictionary of Scenic Sites of China. And in April, 1986, it was listed among the key cultural relics protected at the national level. As well as providing a defense from enemies, Earthen Buildings have the following advanta
ges: quakeproof, fireproof, theftproof, good ventilation and day lighting. Also due to their thickness, the earthen walls help to provide thermal insulation and preservation, which makes the building warm in winter and cool in summer.
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The hugely popular TV documentary series A Bite of China has been such a surprise hit since first appearance on our TV screens in 2012. Its main ingredient is the clever interweaving of human stories with the preparation of food. There were even some complaints when human characters took up more screen time than the dishes. But still,
the runaway success of this well-made TV recipe has whipped up a food frenzy. Items featured on the show have seen their sales skyrocket within a short time of being aired.
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China has made remarkable achievements in development. However, China is still the largest developing country. It still ranks around the 80th in the world in terms of per capita
GDP, and lags far behind developed countries in science and technology. China needs to achieve faster and better growth to become a moderately developed country by the middle of this century. What is crucial is to further free our mind, persist in reform and innovation, and unleash the creativity of the people so that the whole society will be full of vigour and vitality, providing a reservoir of energy that propels development.
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With the further development of China’s economy, product quality and food safety have drawn increasing attention. The Chinese government pays high attention to issues the consumers concern. In this area, even if there is only one defective product in 10,000 goods finding its way to the market, it will harm the interests of the consumer who buys it definitely. Thanks to the efforts over the years, China has improved a lot in strengthening product quality control and food safety supervision.
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Microblog is a broadcast medium existing in the form of blog. Through microblog people can not only acquire and share vast body of information in seconds but also communicate with other netizens. The American website Twitter is the earliest and most famous microblog. In 2009, “Sina Weibo” was launched and became the first microblog website in China. At present, at least 70% of the netizens are microbloggers. Microblog has emerged as such an important website source of real-time news updates that a new word “the Microblog Era” has come up.
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Chinese people read books at a relatively low rate despite the country being one of the world’s most prolific book producers. While the supply of books has exploded in China in recent decades, Chinese people’s interest in books does not keep up with it. According to a survey, Chinese people read 4.39 books per capita a year, a figure that is far lower than that of the developed countries. For example, the Americans read 7 books a year on average, and the French 8.4. Statistics also show that only 1.3% of the Chinese people think they read enough while 53.1% admit that they read too little.
The Chinese people look on tea drinking as an art, which incorporates a wide range of knowledge; the taste of tea might be light, yet the meaning is rich and deep. The Chinese people have the long fostered custom of presenting a cup of tea. They treat guests with tea as a sign of respect, regardless of whether they are thirsty or not, and guests drinking the tea feel refreshed and energetic. Educated people treat their guests arriving at night with tea instead of wine, a practice highly appreciated by the literati. In some places in China, there is a custom of presenting tea three times to guests, as a sign of welcome, then of hospitality, and finally of good wishes. Presenting tea to guests demonstrates not only hospitality but also one’s respect for the guests.
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Respecting the aged and loving the young is a traditional Chinese virtue. For thousands of years, people have always considered it a social responsibility and behaviour norm. Mencius in the Warring States Period said that one should respect the elderly relatives of other people as one’s own, and take care of others’ children as one’s own. In China, those
who ignore these virtues will not only be criticised by public opinions, but also be punished by law. It is the pleasant virtue of respecting the aged and loving the young that provides a firm social base for the development of the Chinese nation.