中国,会见亲朋好友或在春节期间拜访某人时,除了握手之外,拱手礼 fist-and-palm salute也是常见的礼仪。拱手礼是中国古代重要的礼仪,有着2000 多年的历史。它形成于西周时期,后来成为同辈人见面时的礼仪。中国人以距离表示对他人的尊重,不像西方人常以身体的亲近表示尊重。拱手礼保持一定的距离,比较符合现代卫生hygiene 要求。因此很多礼学专家etiquette expert都认为,拱手礼是一种最恰当的交往礼仪。
In China,besides handshaking,when meeting friends and relatives, or paying a visit to someone during the Spring Festival,the fist-and-palm salute is also common etiquette. It is an important etiquette in ancient China with a history of more than 2,000 years. The fist-and-palm salute was formed in the West Zhou Dynasty, and later it became the etiquette when meeting peers. Chinese people show their respect to others through distance,which is different from Western people who usually show respect through physical closeness. Fist-and-palm salute is done from certain distance, which is in
line with modem hygiene requirements. So many etiquette experts believe that fist-and-palm salute is the most appropriate communication etiquette.
When we talk about “Chinese New Year' what occursto your mind first? They are red lanterns, redcouplets, red firecrackers and red Chinese
knots.Indeed,red is an indispensable color for Chinesepeople.Chinese red means peace, joy,harmony,and reunion; it also means everything goes well and it can drive away illness anddisaster. Someone describes Chinese red in this way: Chinese red absorbs the most dynamicelem
ent of the rising sun; it picks the most beautiful and charming light of sunset glow;itembodies the thickest and most active ingredient of blood;it contains the most delicateemotions of jequirity;and it shapes the  imagery of maple leaves in late autumn.译文翻译
中国有句说法:不去长城看一看或没有品尝北京烤鸭BeijingRoast Duck都不算来过北京。如果你想更多地了解中国菜系、文化和习俗,北京烤鸭作为著名的、拥有悠久历史的美食是绝佳的选择。供应烤鸭的两大最著名的餐厅是便宜坊 Bianyifang Roast Duck Restaurant和全聚德。这两家餐厅都有100多年的历史了。品尝烤鸭的真正方式是这样的:首先拿起一片小薄饼,抹上甜面酱sweet beansauce,加点葱段,再加几片鸭肉,最后将饼卷起来,咬上一口。你会为这种美味而感到惊奇的。
According to a Chinese saying, no visit to Beijing iscomplete if you miss seeing the Great Wall or diningon Beijing Roast Duck. As a famous and deliciousfood with a very long history, Beijing Roast Duck isan excellent choice if you want to know more aboutChinese cuisine,culture and customs. The two most famous restaurants that serve BeijingRoast Duck are Bianyifang Roast Duck Restaurant and Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant. Bothhave a history of over one hundred years.The way to really enj
oy the Roast Duck is as  take one piece of the small,thin pancakes provided, spread it with sweet bean sauce,addsmall slices of spring onions and then some pieces of duck. Finally roll up the pancake and takea bite.You will be surprised by the terrific taste!