1、Running - 跑步
例句:I enjoy running in the park every morning.
2、basketball 篮球;篮球运动
例句:I love playing basketball with my friends on the weekends.
3、football 足球;足球运动
例句:He is good at playing football.
4、tennis 网球运动;tennis ball 网球
例句:He wants to play tennis with Mary after work.
5、badminton 羽毛球运动;shuttlecock 羽毛球
例句:Mary is good at playing badminton.
6、golf 高尔夫球运动;golf ball 高尔夫球
例句:Mike plays a round of golf every weekend.
7、ping-pong 乒乓球运动; ping-pong ball 乒乓球
例句:The students here are good at playing ping-pong.
8、baseball 棒球;棒球运动
例句:I think lots of boys want to play baseball.
9、volleyball 排球;排球运动
例句:I like watching volleyball matches.
10、Swimming - 游泳
11、Cycling - 骑自行车
12、Hiking - 徒步旅行
例句:We went hiking with our friends last summer.
13、Boxing - 拳击
14、Wrestling - 摔跤
15、Judo - 柔道
16、Karate - 空手道
例句:I started practicing karate when I was six years old.
17、Yoga - 瑜伽
18、Pilates - 普拉提
19、Dancing - 跳舞
20、Skating - 滑冰
21、Skiing - 滑雪
例句:I love skiing down the snowy slopes in the winter.
22、Snowboarding - 单板滑雪
23、Surfing - 冲浪
24、Windsurfing - 帆板运动
25、Sailing - 帆船运动
例句:I love sailing on the weekends with my family.
26、Rowing - 划船
27、Kayaking - 皮划艇运动
28、Rock climbing - 攀岩运动
29、Mountaineering - 登山运动
30、Jumping rope - 跳绳运动
31、High jump - 跳高运动
32、Long jump - 跳远运动
例句:He won the gold medal in the long jump at the Olympic Games.
33、Triple jump - 三级跳远运动
34、Pole vault - 撑杆跳高运动
35、Shot put - 铅球运动
36、Javelin throw - 标运动
37、Discus throw - 铁饼运动
38、Hammer throw - 链球运动
39、Weightlifting - 举重运动
40、Powerlifting - 力量举重运动
41、Bodybuilding - 健美运动
42、CrossFit - CrossFit训练法(综合体能训练)
43、Martial arts training - 武术训练
例句:Martial arts training can improve both physical and mental strength.
44、Calisthenics - 健美操训练法(自重训练)
45、Parkour - 跑酷运动(城市自由奔跑)
46、Free running - 自由奔跑运动(无规则奔跑)
47、Mountain biking - 山地自行车运动(越野自行车)
48、Road cycling - 公路自行车运动(公路自行车)
49、Track cycling - 场地自行车运动(室内自行车)
50、BMX biking - BMX自行车运动(小轮车)
51、Skateboarding - 滑板运动(滑板)
52、Rollerblading - 溜冰运动(直排轮滑)
53、Inline skating - 直线滑冰运动(直排轮滑)
54、Ice skating - 滑冰运动(冰上滑行)
55、Figure skating - 花样滑冰运动(花样滑冰)
例句:As a child, I dreamed of becoming a figure skater like my idol, Michelle Kwan.
56、Ice hockey - 冰球运动(冰球)
57、Lacrosse - 长曲棍球运动(长曲棍球)
58、Field hockey - 曲棍球运动(曲棍球)
59、American football (flag) - (美式)旗式橄榄球运动(美式橄榄球)
60、Australian rules football (AFL) - (澳式)澳式橄榄球运动(澳式橄榄球)
61、Gaelic football (Gaelic)- (爱尔兰式)爱尔兰式橄榄球运动(爱尔兰式橄榄球)
62、Rugby league (NRL)- (英式)英式橄榄球联盟运动(英式橄榄球)
63、Rugby union (Rugby)- (英式)英式橄榄球联合会运动(英式橄榄球)