Tune to Arrays Breaking
When swallows come, Spring Rites hail.As pear blooms fade, Pure Brights wail.The pool grows mosses tinged green.The leaves hide orioles that keen .Days longer, catkins soft flying.
Smiling east vill girls greetingon th’ mulberry picking way.A nice dream they had last night?They won th’ “Name Herbs” game today!Smiles on the cheeks growing just bright.
The swallows return on New Communal Day,Clear and Bright follows, after pear blossoms fade.Two, three patches of emerald moss on the pond.From the orioles in the foliage, snatches of song.The day is long, and willow catkins float along.
A pretty smile the two girls have, our neighbors to the east.They met on the paths among the mulberry trees.No wonder last night I had good dreams, one said,They augured the luck I had in the grass-cut-grass game;A smile spreading on their faces.