Unit 1
Topic 1 What' s your favorite sport?
Section A
重点活动la2ao 教学目标:
3.谈论自己所喜欢体育活动以及自己的打算。 教学过程:
第一步:复习 师生问答:谈论同学们的课余生活及个人爱好。 What do you usually do after school?
Do you 1 ike playing basketbal1 /tennis/ footbal l. . . ? Yes, I do. / No, I don, t・
V d like to play basketball. Will you join us? 引出下一步。
1.老师使用第一幅图,图上画有学生正在打篮球。师生问答: (板书出一个对话)
A: What are they doing?
B: They are playing basketball.
A: I’ d like to play basketbal1. Wi11 you join us? 帮助学生回答:
B: Yes, I w1. / No, I won? t.
A: What are they doing?
B: They are playing volleybal1.
A: I’ d like to play volleyball. Will you join us?
B: Yes, I w1. / No, I won? t.
A: What are they doing?
B: They are playing soccer.
A: I’ d like to play soccer. Will you join us?
B: Yes, I w1. / No, I won? t.
4    5    6
使用图 4567 教学词和词组 初中英语教案模板bicycling, cheer sb. on, skiing, climbingo 老师使用第4幅图,图上画有自行车运动。师生问答:
A: What are they doing?
B: They are bicycling.
A: What are they doing?
B: They are cheering us on.
A: What are they doing?
B: They are skiing.
A: What are they doing?
B: They are climbing mountains.
What will Michael do?
Will Kangkang come and cheer them on?
A: Hi, ...
B: Hi,… I" d like to play soccer. Will you join us?
A: I’ m afraid I can' t. I have to do my homework first. By the way, I sec you play soccer almost every day.
B: Yes. We' 11 have a game between … team and our team this Sunday. Will you come and cheer us on?
A: Of course I will.
A: Which sport do you prefer, … or…?
B: I prefer
A: Do you …much?
B: Yes, quite a lot.
A: We are plarming to have a … club. Will you join us?
B: Yes, I wi.11. /No, I won' t.
2.分组活动。讨论各自所喜欢的体育活动以及自己的打算。如自己打算参加某个体育俱乐 部。
3.分别从每组中一名代表到前面,汇报本组同学所喜欢的体育活动以及他们的打算。 第五步:活动产品
Like this: My favoritc sport is baskctball. I play baskctball a lot. I think it is exciting. 1 will join the basketball club. My friend, Li Lei' s favorite sport is ... Section A
The main activities are la and 2a.
Teaching aims and demands:
1.Learn the Simple Future Tense-
2.Review the alternative questions.
3.Talk about the sports that the students like best and what they will do. Teaching procedure:
Step 1 Review
Ask and an swer bet ween the t eacher and the students: Talk ing about the things that the students like doing after class.
What do you usually do after school?
Do you like playing basketbal1 /tennis/ football. . .?
Yes, I do. / No, I don, t.
I’ d like to play baskctball. Will you join us?
Lead into the next step.
Step 2 Presentation
1.The tcacher shows Picturc 1- There are some students who are playing basketball. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this: (Write clown the dialog on the blackboard.)
Picture 1    Picture 2    Picture 3A: What are they doing?
B: They are playing basketbal1.
A: I, d like to play baskctball. Will you join us? (Help the students to answer) B: Yes, I wi.ll. / No, I won' t.
The teacher shows Pic ture 2. There are some students who are playing volley ball. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:
A: What are they doing?
B: They are playing volleyball.
A: 1’ d like to play volleyball. Will you join us?
B: Yes, I will. / No, I won' t.
The teacher shows Picture 3. There are some students who are playing football. The
teacher A: What B: They a r d
and the students ask and answer 1 ike this: arc they doing?
are playing football.
like to play football. Will you join us?
B: Yes, 1 will. / No, 1 won' t・
2.The teacher shows more pictures to let the students make more dialogs.
3.The teacher shows the pictures to the students. Learn the new words and phrases : bicycling, cheer sb. on, ski ing,climbing, etc.
Picture 4    Picture 5    Picture 6    Picture 7The
tcachcr shows Picturc 4. There arc some students bicycling. The tcachcr and the students ask and answer like this:
A: What are they doing?
B: They are bicycling.
The teacher shows Picture 5. There are some students cheering. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this: