第一课时(Section A 1a-2c)(Listening & speaking)
Language functions: Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is.It’s on Center Street.Where is the supermarket? It’s next to the library.It’s between the restaurant and the supermarket.Vocabulary: post office, park, bank, supermarket, pay phone, street , across from , in front of ,behind, there, avenue, bridge, Across, across from, next , next to ,between, front, in front to, behind
Important point: Is there a supermarket ? Yes, there is./No, there is not where is ……? It is in front of ……
Difficult point: Is there a supermarket ? Yes, there is./No, there is not where is ……? It is in front of ……Learn to ask for and give directions in conversations.Ability target:
Train students’ listening and speaking skills.Train students’ communicative competence.Emotion target:
All the buildings make our city beautiful.Thank the designers and the workers.Thanks for their hard work.Teaching steps:
Step1 Warming-up and revision 1.Enjoy the chant of Grade 6’s Unit 2(以小学熟悉的chant能快速地引起学生的兴趣,让他们迅速地投入
Where is the post office ? Next to the hospital.Where is the hospital? Next to the cinema.Where is the cinema ? Next to the bookstore.Where is the bookstore ? Go straight ahead.2.Greeting &revise Unit 1 Where are you from? What language can you speak?
Where do you live?
I live in China/Zhejiang/Pingyang/---Then ask ―What’s this ?‖---It’s a map.---Yes.It’s a map of China.Is this a map?
(Show the map of 1a)Step2 word-teaching 1.Direct Ss’attention to the picture on the screen and ask Ss ―What’s this?‖,present the names of the places on the board.(用ppt引出地点,学生可以更直观地感知并掌握单词)
2.Give plenty of opportunity for both choral and individual repetition of the new words.(中学生爱表现自己,这步设计可以更好地让学生学习英语的乐趣)
Step 3.Match ,listen and pratice
1.Finish 1a then check.2.Do 1b listen and check.(提高学生听的能力)
3.Work in pairs,then ask two pair to act(让学生在使用中学习英语,以增强信心)
Step 4.Teach the prepositions 1.Revise-Where is the soccer ball?(温故而知新)
It’s in/on/under the box.2.Teach It’s near/next to /behind/in front of /across from/between –and--(让学生更好地理解这些介词的意义)
初中英语教案模板3.Put the prepositions on the board, have Ss repeated.4.Finish 2a then check 4-6-2-3-5-1 5.
Show the picture one by one by asking and answering
--Where is the pay phone?
--It’s on/-the Green Street(及时复习巩固)
Step 5.Listening 1.Reading the words &sentences before listening(培养学生的听力技巧)2.Play the tape ,listen & check(及时反馈,即使评价,提高学习效率
Step 6.Consolidation and pairwork 1.Fill the blank ,then check(提高上课学习效率,巩固新知识)
2.Pairwork : Where is the---? It’s across from/ next to/ between… and …/ on/in front of/behind---(提高学生听说与交际能力)
Step 7.Homework 1.Pair works,two students draw the map, one acts as a policeman, the other acts as a a person who is
ask the way.2.Draw a sketch map of your home to school or the way to your partner.3.Finis
h homework 2-1,2 Blackboard design
-Is ? post office-Yes,there is.It’street./ library
No,there isn’t.hotel
Where is the----? restaurant-It’s on/in front of / behind/across from/ bank Near/next to /between—and--supermarket
pay phone
第二课时(Section 3a-4)(Reading & speaking)
一.Teaching Aims and Demands
1.Ability Object
Train students’ listening and speaking skills.Train students’ communicative competence.2..
Language goals:
learn to ask for and give directions on the street.Moral objects On weekends or holidays, invite your friends to your house to have a good time.4.Teaching Key points: Review the key words in this unit
二、Teaching steps: Step 1.Warming-up and revision
Daily Greeting
Step 1.Warming-up and revision(温故而知新)
Daily Greeting(融洽师生之间的关系)Is there a post office near your house ?
Where is---?Then ask some questions about the picture of 3a
Step 2.Pesentation.(传授新知识)--Is there a supermarket in the picture?
--Yes it is.--Where is it?
---It’s between the hotel and the post office.---There is a traffic sign.What does it mean?---It means ―Turn left ‖
What other traffic signs do you know? What do they mean?,In the same way present turn lright、/ straight Go up/go down/on the left /right /on your left /right
step 3.Reading and speaking
1.Read the conversation and find Paul and Nancy in the picture.Then show the position(训练学生的听说读的能力)
2.T—Paul SS—Nancy Ask and answer Can you draw the line.?Who can ?