Do you like pears
PEP Book2 Unit 4 Part A,let’s learn.&let`s talk两部分
1、学习单词:orange peach pear watermelon
2、学习句子:It tastes good.3、初步掌握Do you like…? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.二、教学目标要求:
1、能听、说、认读本课水果单词;orange peach pear watermelon,以及句子(It tastes good)。
2、能听懂、会说本单元句型(Do you like…? Yes, I do./No, I don’t),要求模仿正确、语调自然,基本上能够在实际中运用句型会话。
2.句型:It tastes good.的理解与掌握。Tastes 的发音,以及 It tastes 的不爆破发音。
一、Warm-up(热身)1.Greetings:师生打招呼 2.拿出一个苹果,T问:What`s this?学生回答。(对于学生的回答老师以击掌表态。)Now,let`s sing a song!(播放课件《Apple song》)边听边做动作进行热身。评价:Very good!
二、新课讲授 1.Teach orange(1)T拿出盖在布下的橘子,让学生猜是什么。T:Guess,what`s this ? 学生猜测,并作出奖励。
练习Chant: orange, orange.I like you!(师生齐拍手)教师用手势:one orangetwo orangesthree oranges T:Do you like oranges?(让学生回答)引导说出Yes,I do!No,I don`t!(带上动作^∧^ ^_^)
出示句型卡:Do you like,师生接读。(粘贴)2.Teach peach 过渡:Look,I will draw something.(桃子简笔画)(1)T:What`s this?学生回答。
(课件出示)一个桃子、若干桃子的认读。(强调复数的发音)(2)T:Do you like peaches?(指名说)Ss: Yes,I do!No,I don`t!(带上动作^∧^ ^_^)Game:石头、剪刀、布
同桌练习。(学生做,其他人说:go,go,go)过渡:Ok,look at the scring(3)引出句子:I like them very much!CAI播放孙悟空与猪八戒对话: Zhu:Do you like peaches? Sun:I like them very much!T 让学生跟读I like them very much!(反复读,速度由慢到快。)师生对话。(4)出示桃花的图片
T :So beautiful!I like them very much!(通过赏花再次加强句型的掌握)3.Teach pear(1)(用简笔画组合苹果与橘子),猜猜这个图案。Ss回答。
(2)引出pear的词卡。再次采用趣味读法:升降调、大小声、波浪读 T 竖起手指:one peartwo pearsthree pears、、、,让学生体会复数,同时补充板书(书写pears)。T 带读句子:Do you like pears?学生跟读。Game :听音乐传梨《兔子舞》音乐停,T问:Do you like pears?拿到梨的同学说Yes,I do!其他人则说:do oh do!如果说No,其他人则说:no no no.赢的同学进行下一轮。4.Teach: It tastes good.过渡:The game is very funy.Close your eyes.学生闭眼后T拿出准备好的梨的切块。放入嘴里一块梨T :Oh!It tastes good.(带上夸张动作)T : Do you like pears? Ss回答。奖励一块梨。
出示句卡:It tastes good.认读。采用小组合说句子的形式。同时以排火车练习。
5.Teach watermelon 过渡:Look at the scring(猪八戒吃西瓜)Zhu :I like watermelon veru much!初中英语教案模板
T 出示词卡,并带读。板书:watermelon学生跟着拼读。6.Listen to the tape.(听录音)(1)听录音(2)跟读
2.地雷游戏:在单词卡中插入一枚地雷图片,看到这个图片学生会说:bang!3.what`s missing.猜猜缺少哪个单词。给学生一一浏览单词卡,然后收起一张卡片,让学生回答缺少哪个单词。
四、Home work Have a interview(做一次采访)采访一下父母、长辈、老师、同学、朋友、、、喜欢什么,然后作好记录。
Module2Unit2 It will snow in Harbin.一、授课内容
It will snow in Harbin.It won’t rain tomorrow.It will be hot on Friday.It won’t be sunny in Hangzhou.二、教学目标
2)Sentences----熟练掌握下列句子,并能熟练运用。a.It will snow in Harbin.b.It won’t It will be hot on Friday.d.It won’t be sunny in Hangzhou.3)Function----掌握描绘将会有什么天气的的具体表达方法。
1、充分了解并掌握并运用下列句子描述天气。a.It will … b.It won’t … c.It will be … d.It won’t be …
Preparation 1.Put the title on the blackboard—— It will snow in Harbin.2.Open the ppt.Wa
rming-up 1.Class begins.Good morning, boys and girls.Sit down, please.2.Greetings a)Hello, everyone.My name is Wang Pei.You can call me Miss Wang.Today we are going to have the class together.Let’s have a group competition.And the best group can get a gift from me.b)First let’s listen to a song(rain rain go away).And try to sing the song loudly.c)Look at the sentence“rain rain go away(小雨小雨别下了)”.Do you like rain? Look at the picture, it is a snowman.Do you like snowman? Do you like the snow? Presentation 1. It will snow in Harbin.a.Look at the picture, it is a snowman.Do you like snowman? Do you like snow? Today we are going to learn Module2Unit2 It will snow in Harbin.(Show the topic.)b.Read the topic twice.2.Read the learning aims, and explain them for the students.3.It willl…/ It will be…
a.Please look out of the window.And tell me “What’s the weather like today?”“It is …”“What will the weather be like tomorrow?”
b.Show them the pictures of the weather, like snow, rain, windy, hot, cold… And let them read the words after They can use the sentences“It will…”“It will be …..” to ans
wer the question“What will the weather be like tomorrow?”And read the sentences loudly.Explain will means “将要”.4.Let’s look at the weather tomorrow.a.Since we have learned the words about the weather.Let’s listen to a weather report.Open you book, look at this part and listen.b.Listen again, and read the sentences after Read the sentences by yourself and find out the sentences of “It will…….” and “It will be ….” Ask someone to answer the question and reward them.5 Listen and chant.a)Now I think you must be a little tired.So We can relax a little.Let’s do the listen and chant.Listen and you can read after the e-pen.b)Please do it again and read loudly.You are really great.And I want to reward you, so let’s play a game.6.Where am I? a)The name of the game is “Where am I ?”