第一篇:英语 新目标英语七年级上unit3 教案(教学设计方案)-7-9年级
(The 2nd period Section A 2a, 3a---3c)Teaching aims(教学目标)1.学会说家庭成员的称谓
(继续学习含有be的动词的基本句型的陈述句和一般疑问句。)2.学会向别人询问、介绍家庭成员 Language points(语言点)
1.要求学会以下句式:(1)That’s„ „
(2)---Is he/she„ „
---Yes, he/she is.(No, he/she isn’t.)2.要求掌握以下词汇:she, he 3.要求掌握以下缩写:he’s=he is, she’s=she is
加深学生对所学知识的印象,使之能被更灵活地运用。)Difficulties(难点):学习含有be动词的一般疑问句的句式及其回答。Teaching steps(教学步骤)
1.Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)1.这两个问题是为了帮助学生
进入学习的良好状态,对课(1)Daily greetings to the students(日常问候)
1T: How are you today? 同的回答,在学生反问时,老师可在适当的情景下带出S: I am(fine/great/OK/very good).How about you?
丰富的回答,但要及时将新T: I am(fine, too/not bad/pretty good/awful/terrible).单词板书在黑板上。同时让
学生体验含有be动词的疑问How is your father / mother / grandfather / 句。grandmother / uncle / aunt / brother / sister? 2.通过对学生姓名的询问后,用 How are your parents / grand
parents---? S: He/She is„
T: What’s your name, please?
2T:(to the whole class)So that’s „.“That’s…”向大家介绍这位同
S: I am(My name is)„
Work on 2a(完成P14-2a)T: Now, please open your books, and turn to page 14.3. 在这里,当教师用英语说完之后,可以适当加以中文说明,务必让学生明白做听力题的策略。Look at 1a.I will play a recording.Listen carefully and circle the words you hear.I will play it twice3.The first time you just need listen.You can finish this part at the second time.T: Now, let’s check the answer.S:---T: You are right.Thank you.2.Presentation T: Now, let’s play a guessing Can you guess how old I am? 4 S: Are you twenty-seven? 5 T: NO, I am a little ol
der.S: Are you twenty-eight? T: Yes, you are so clever.(学生可能回有不同的回答,老师根据学生回答给出多种评价。)T: What about you? How old are you? S1: I am twelve(this year).T: Are you twelve, too? S2: Yes, I am.(No, I am not.I am thirteen.)T: Oh, I am sorry.I can’t hear you clearly6,(to the whole class)Is he/she thirteen?7 S: Yes, he/she is.T: Thanks.You are so clever(good/wonderful/„).She is younger than me, so she is my sister8.3.Work on 3a(完成P15 3a)T: Now let’s look at this picture.There are four people in the picture, and the boy and the girl playing basketball are Anna and Paul.Let’s read the words aloud and fill in the blanks with the words from the box.9.T: Let’s check the answers: 10---Is she your sister?---Yes, she is.---And is he your brother?---No, he isn’t.He is my friend.4.Work on 3b(完成P15 3b)
9.此句较长,要求T放慢语速,如果学生未完全清楚T的指令,可重复此问题。使用教材第15页3 a上图片的挂图,给学生一分钟时间独立或同桌讨论来完成此项活动。在此基础上组织下面操练。
T: Well done!Now read the dialogue in 3a with your 10.叫几位同学单独回答,个别
空格也可全班一起回答。鼓励 partner, then change your roles.11
同学大声读出自己的句子,老Ss read it in different roles.师及时鼓励,注意指导学生一
般疑问句的语调。T: Oh look, there are many people there, old and young.11.此句较长,而且含有多个新Can you make a dialogue like 3a? 12 单词,要求T放慢语速,配以
13T: I have a friend.His name is Mike.Do you have a friend? 12.T 可给学生提供其它常用人
名和father、mother、aunt、uncleS: Yes.等家庭成员称谓替换Anna、T: What’s his/her name? Paul和sister、brother。鼓励
学生尽量使用自己学过的单词S: His/Her name is Peter.完成对话。
T: Thanks very much.I think he must be a good boy.13.把句型板书在黑板上,T通过
自己的回答让学生理解Do(to another student)Is Peter your friend too?
you have…的意思,抓住学生S: No, he isn’t.回答的老师需要的答案,开展
接下来的教学活动。T: Who is your friend? S: „ „
6.Work on 3c(完成P15 3c)T: I want to know more about your friends or family members.(to the whole class)Do you want to know them too? S: Yes.T: I’d like a student to write down your mother’s, father’s,or friend’s name on the board.The other students guess who the person is.Who’d like to come here? 14 Wei Hua please.(在黑板上写下一个名字。)S1: Is„ your brother?
14.学生在黑板上写出一个名字,鼓励同学们 S3: Is„ your uncle? 用“Is…”这个句型进
行猜测。活动前先有T7.Work on 4---group work(完成P15 4)
和Ss做示范对话,再由 T: Please take out your family photos.Put them in your group.S和S进行活动。对正
确使用第三人称单数一Take turns to ask and answer questions about the photos.15
般疑问句的同学进行表 S1: Is she your grandmother? 扬。板书重点句型。此
活动建议采用小组竞赛 S2: Is he your father? 的形式,以活跃课堂气 S3: Is she your cousin? 氛。
照片,并分好活动小组,8.Homework 选出组长。活动前先有
S和S进行活动。T对 Oral work:
个小组的活动进行指(1)Listen to 3a, read and recite it.导,防止学生看到照片
后有嬉笑、用中文交流(2)Go on making up your dialogue with your group
等行为。T和Ss做示范members and polish it.对话,再由S和S进行
活动。S2: Is„ your friend?
Written work:(1)Copy the sentences in 3a.(2)Write about the pictures on P15 using the sentence structures in 3 a
1、掌握表示动物的名词和具有动物特征的形容词,例如:koala bear(树袋熊),tiger(老虎),elephant(大象),dolphin(海豚),panda(熊猫),Lion(狮),penguin(企鹅),giraffe(长颈鹿);cute(逗人喜爱的),smart(聪明的),exciting(令人激动的),friendly(友好的),interesting(有趣的),fun(供人娱乐的),scary(可怕的)。
2、用英语谈论、描述动物(describe animals)并表达对动物各自的喜爱(express preferences),例如: Elephants are friendly.Tigers are kind of scary.Why do you like pandas? Because they’re very cute.Why does he like koala bears? Because they’re kind of interesting.二、教学活动过程 活动目的:学习和巩固表示动物和具有动物特征的单词,掌握