too+adj./adv.+to do表示“太……而不能……”
He is too shy to give a speech.他太害羞,不敢做演讲。
It's too far to get there on time.那个地方太远,不能准时到达。
I'm too tired to go any further.我太累了,走不动了。
The milk is to hot to drink/to be drunk.牛奶太烫了,喝不了。
The box is too heavy to carry/to be carried.箱子太重了,搬不起来。
变形→在句中加上for sb.表示该动作行为只是就它的逻辑主语而言
Math is too difficult for me to learn well.数学太难,我学不好。
1.""结构之前带有but, only, all, never, not时,是强调肯定的表示法,译作"非常……"、"十分……"、"实在……"、"真是太……"等。
I'm but too happy to hear that.得知那个消息我太高兴了。
You are never too late to learn English.你什么时候学英语都不会晚。
This problem is not too hard to solve.这个问题并不难解决。
2.""结构中带有表示某种心情或描绘性的形容词或副词,如ready,apt,eager,satisfied,inclined, kind,willing,easy,anxious等加动词不定式,表示一种状态、态度、倾向或心情等,其后的不定式不是说明too的具体内容,而是修饰形容词。
Lei Feng was too ready to help others.雷锋同志乐于助人。
She is too hard to deal with.她极难相处。
She was too anxious to buy this dre.她非常想买这条裙子。
初中英语教案模板He is too kind not to help you.他很善良,不会不帮助你。
My mother is too careful not to forget it.我妈妈非常细心,不会忘记这事的。
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我们知道结构一般表示否定含义,意为"太...以致于不能" eg:He is too old to work.但在下列情况下却表示肯定含义:
⑴当too前或to前有否定词构成双重否定时.eg:English is not too difficult to learn.英语并不太难学.He is too wise not to see that.他很聪明,不会不懂这一点.⑵当too后是glad,pleased,happy,delighted,satisfied,ready,willing,kind,apt,good, true,easy,near,careful,well,early,delicious,eager,anxious等形容词或副词时.eg:They are too anxious to leave.他们急于离开.He is too ready to help others.他总是乐于助人.与这些词连用时,too前还常加上only,all,but,just,simply等副词,意思不变,因为这些词加上too后与very同义.eg:I'm only too glad to see you.见到你非常高兴.They are but too pleased to hear the news.他们听到这个消息,非常高兴.⑶与cannot连用时.eg:You cannot be too careful(=You can never be careful enough)to do your homework.你做作业越仔细越好(=无论怎样仔细也不过分).⑷当不定式在句中作定语或真正的主语时.资料有大小学习网收集 www.xiexiebang
资料有大小学习网收集 www.xiexiebang eg:There are too many problems to be solved.有很多问题有待解决.It is too much to say that he is a fool.英语中的“too„to„”结构,一般情况下表示“太„„以致不„„”的意思。例如:The boy is too young to go to school.(这个孩子年纪太小,以至不能上学。)The problem is too difficult to work out.(这个问题太难了,以至无法
解答)。但是,在平日的学习中,我们会遇到像“You can’t be too careful to do it”“I am only too glad to do it”这样的句子。这里的“too„to„”结构就不表示否定意义,而是表示肯定意义。这样的句子都较特殊,我们不妨把它们归纳在一起,以利于复习。
1.当too后的形容词是某种心理活动、情绪状态的形容词,如anxious, apt(有„„的倾向的;易于),easy, eager, glad, happy, pleased, ready, willing等时,too表示肯定意义,相当于very, extremely, 意思是“十分;极其”。例如:
She is too easy to get angry.她太易发脾气了。
He is to ready to help others.他很乐于助人。
John is too eager to see Alice.约翰极想见艾丽斯。
2.当too前有only, but, all 等词时,“too„to„”结构不再表示否定意义,而是表示肯定意义。too相当于very,意思是“非常;十分”。例如:
I am only too glad to become a member of you.我非常高兴成为你们中的一员。
We are but too eager to receive your invitation.我们极渴望接到你们的邀请。
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3.“cannot / hardly / never / scarcely too „to„”这一结构不再表示否定意义,而是表示肯定意义,意思是“越„„越好;无论„„也/都不过分”。例如:
You cannot be too careful to cro the street.你过街时越小心越好。
在这个句型中的too也可以换成over, enough,意思不变。例如:
You cannot be over careful to cro the street.4.“never / not too „to”这一结构意思是“不太„„所以能„„”。双重否定表示肯定意义。例如:
One is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。
It is never too late to mend.亡羊补牢,犹为未晚。
Tom didn’t get up too late to catch the early train.汤姆起得早,赶上了早班火车。
5.“too„not to „”这一结构表示肯定意义时,意思是“太„„不会不„„”。例如:
She is too kind not to help you.她这么好,不会不帮助你的资料有大小学习网收集 www.xiexiebang
一、Teaching Content:
Topic:Unit5Can you play the guitar?
Grammar:Using “can”/ “could” to talk about ability
二、Teaching Aims:
1.Use can talk about the ability at present.2.Use could talk about ability in the past.三、Teaching KeyandDifficult Points:
How to use “can” and “could” to expre ability in the present and past.四、Teaching Methods:
Task-Based Language Teaching Method
五、Teaching Procedures:
Step 1:Warming up Task 1: Revision
T: What can you do now? S1: I can sing.S2: I can draw S3: I can dance.T: Can you ride a bike / swim / fly a kite / play football / play che? Ss:Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.Task 2: Playing a game
T: Now letusplay a game.Five students come to the front and perform for the cla according to myinstructions.andgestures.Theothers answer my questions.T : What can she do?
Ss : She can ride a bike /swim/ fly a kite/ play football / play che.T: Can she swim/ fly a kite/play football /play che.Ss: Yes ,She can? No, she can’t.T: Say the whole sentences: eg: Acan ride a bike.He can’t / cannot swim.Step2:Presentation