What would you like to eat?教案
1.知识目标:学习常见食物的英语表达方式,掌握相关单词:hamburger、noodles、French fries、rice、fish以及句型:-What would you like to eat?-I\\"d like to eat
课前准备:、Noodles、French fries、Rice、Fish单词卡片。
歌曲 Lollipop 选段录音,课件。
Step1 Warm-up 1.T: Good morning, How are you?( Greeting ) 2.T: Let’s enjoy a song, and answer my question”What can you see?”
播放音频文件--歌曲Lollipop选段,引导学生跟随音乐打节拍,活跃气氛。随后展示棒棒糖中文以及其图片(展示) ,
3.T: Do you like eating?询问学生是否喜欢吃棒棒糖然后借由应当正常用餐才是健康的行为引导出ic。
Step2 Presentation 1.T: 播放第二张课件(课件内容麦当劳餐厅的图片),然后提问:What do you see in the picture?
Oh, yes, table, chair(激活旧知) 2.T: Where are they? 3.T: You are so good,they are in a McDonald restaurant.What can you do in McDonald restaurant?
Yes, great, we can eat .4.T: What can we eat there?
-- Oh, you know hamburger
( 先学生说,给好的学生一个展示的平台,再教学 hamburger, French fries)
贴上单词卡片hamburger , Read after me : hamburger (用一升一降先齐跟读两次,再按音节分读两次ham, bur,ger,用红粉笔下划线;再一排学生一个个读)用同样的方法教French fries,不用重复。
5.再播放一张中式餐厅的图片,教学noodle, rice, fish 6.T:Are you hungry now? What would you like to eat?OK,read after me: What would you like to eat?-I\\"d like to eat )后接单词组成句型,用五个单词将句型重复5次。然后问上半句:What would you like to eat?让回答的学生回答好之后可以上来用单词卡片补充句型。
Step3 Practice 1.Role play:将学生两两分组(如有单数则老师参与组队),每组一人扮演Waiter,一人扮演Customer,根据所学句型和单词进行情景对话,每组两人每练习一段时间后应当交换角。设定限时。
2.Conversation on the stage:鼓励学生分组抢先上台对话,最先上台以及表现最佳的组可以获得贴纸作为奖励。
ic:those English words from Chinese Leading words:初阶:沙发、咖啡、脱口秀、迷你、巴士、汉堡、高尔夫、巧克力、可乐
进阶:逻辑、幽默、系统、基因、t-恤、镭射、克隆、拷贝 Key words:音译:toufu、lychee、kowtow、mahjong、kungfu(martial arts)、taichi、taoism、
Brainwash、lose face(save face)、no can do、
课后讨论:long time no see 流程:
I believe many of you know that there are a lot of Chinese words are from English,don’t you? So who can give me some e_les?In English or Chinese,both way is ok.
OK,沙发,yeah,it’s from the word sofa, and else? Right,hanbao,from the word hamburger.Here,I also want you know that this Hamburger originated in a Germany city hamburg.People in that city create a kind of food and they called it Hamburg steak which was token to the US by the immigrants from the city after it got real popular, and then there es a word hamburger for this kind of food.Also, I can give you lots of Chinese words from English,like Blabla.
As you can see, there’re many words in Chinese from English.What about English?I can tell you, many language do have kinds of mi_ture, so of cause there are many words in English from Chinese.Some simple one like toufu, lychee,kowtow,mahjong,taichi,kungfu,taoism.Here is a things I want to share with you: Taoism is a calque word.What does calque mean? It is actually a French,means close copy, which is create a word from another language in the way word for word or root-for-root.In Chinese,we call it Jieyi, and we will see some other e_les later.What i said Chinese, it’s not only Mandarin, also include Cantonese and some other dialects.So don’t be surprised when I say Typhoon is from Chinese, cause it’s an original Cantonese word and I hened to know some Cantonese.Also,ketchup is from Amoy dialect which is _iamen hua in Chinese.pretty impreed,huh?