unit 1 what s the matter? 一、教课目的:
1. 语言知识目标: 1) 掌握以下单词: foot, knee, neck, stomach,
2)能掌握以下句型 whats the matter?i have a u
should drink some tea.that sounds a like a good idea.i have a
sore back.
二、教课重难点 :1) talk about your health.2) make suggestions.
三、教课方法: revision, learning, practice and reading.
四、教课协助: tape-recorder and lattern.
五、课时: six periods
period 1(section a1a-2d)
i. teaching aims and demands
1. knowledge objects.body names s the matter?i have a cold.
2. ability objects.izing skill.
3. ise every day and keep healthy and
ii. teaching importance and difficulty
whats the matter?i have a cold.
iii. teaching methods
recognizing methodlistening method.discover
iv. teaching aids
a tape recorder.a doll for teaching the names of the body. a
v. teaching procedures
lead-in name the parts of the body by pictures.
step 1 read a chant about the body.
step 2 enjoy a song.
step 3 play a game. say and draw the part of body.
step 4 activity 1a.
let ss to look at the picture and write the correct letter [a-m]
for each part of the body. step 5 judge their problems based on
every picture.
step 6 activity 1b.
listen and look at the picture. then number the names [1-5].
step 7 act it out with their partner.
step 8 listen again and complete the table.
step 9 activity 1c. pair works.
make conversations according to pictures.
step 10 think how to give advice if somebody is ill and give
examples by using pictures.
step 11 activity 2a.
let ss to listen and number the pictures [1-5] in the order they
hear them.
step 12 activity 2b.listen again and match the problems with
the advice.
step 13 activity 2c.make conversations using the information
in 2a and 2b. step 14 activity 2d.初中英语教案模板
role-play the conversation.
step 15 language points: explain the key words and phrases in
section a-1. homework:
teaching thought:
period 2(section a 3a-3c)
i. teaching aims and demands
1. knowledge objectsnew words.ammar focus.
2. ability objects
3. moral objectto be a doctor and serve the people heart and
ii. teaching importance and difficulty
whats the matter?i have a toothache.
s a good idea.
iii. teaching ading and writing
methods.pair-work. iv. teaching aidsa tape recordera projector.
v. teaching procedures
lead-in review some usual disease by pictures.
step 1 talk about advice about health.
step 2 learn some new words.
step 3 discussion.look at the title and the picture. work in
pairs and discuss some questions.
step 4 ad the passage. discuss where it comes
step 5 give some reading strategies simply. step 6 read the passage and do true or false. step 7 activity 3b.
ask ss to read the passage again and check ( ) the things that happened in the story. step 8 free talk.
if you see someone lying on the street, what should you do?. step 9 respect the aged and care for the young. it is a fine
tradition of the chinese nation. teach the spirit to ss.
step 10 activity 3c.discuss the questions with a partner.
step 11 language points: explain the key words and phrases in section a-2. step 12 more exercises about the language points.
homework: teaching thought:
period 3(grammar focus-4c i. teaching aims and demands
1. knowledge objectsreading and al practice.
3. moral objectgive good advice when someone needs your help.
ii. teaching importance and al practice.
iii. teaching methodsreading and writing methods.up-work. iv. teaching aidsworkbook exercises.
v. teaching procedure
lead-in role - play a conversation between a patient and a doctor.
step 1 list some health problems and give some advice. step 2 step 3 step 4 step 5 step 6 step 7 step 8
step 9 explanation about the use of modal verb should. do
some basic exercise. compare some other modal verbs. do
more exercise. complete activity 4a and 4b. work in groups.
discuss how to keep ourselves healthy. complete activity 4c.
do exercise to review the structures of this unit.
homeworkfinish off the exercises of workbook.