那就是Presentation,Practice and Production 三个教学过程。在Presentation 过程中,教师把要学的新的语言知识介绍给学生,教师设法引起学生对所学新句型、新对话或新文章的兴趣,激发学生的求知欲,并检查学生对新授要点的理解。在Practice 那过程中,教师则给学生很多的操练机会,鼓励学生尽可能运用刚介绍的新知识,进行反复的句型练习并不断提高语言运用的正确率。在Production 过程中,学生被要求创造性地运用所学知识,做到灵活并自由地运用语言,实现正确并流利地进行交际的目标。不同步骤的要求决定了教师角的不断转换。Presentation Practice Production
口语课不同于听力、阅读、写作等课,它自有它的特点。口语课应设置情景并组织更多的Pair work&Group work 进行对话。对话内容需要贴近生活,最好是学生熟悉的话题;听者与言者不断转换,转换间隔或长或短;语言简洁或不完整,但伴有脸部表情、手势、体语等非言语信息,并允许犹豫、停顿和语言重复。因此口语课的教学安排一定要抓住课本身的特点,精心设计不同阶段的活动内容以取得最佳效果。那么到底如何巧施PPP教学法于英语口语教学中呢?
人教版初中第二册有这样一篇新授对话: Kate:Hello,7-5-4 double 6-2。
Li Lei:Oh, hello, Could I speak to Jim, lease? Kate:I'm afraid he's out at the moment.He's at the cinema.Can I take a meage? LiLei:Yes.Could you ask him to call me , please.Kate:Sure!What's your name, please? LiLei:Li Lei.Kate:Could you spell that, pl
ease? Li Lei:L-I, Li, L-E-I, Lei, My telephone number is 6-7double8-3-4.Kate:6-7 double 8-3-4.Right.Li Lei:Thanks a lot.Rye.Kate :Bye.The presentation goes through the following procedures:
1)、The students are told that they are going to work in pairs and make telephone calls.2)、All student As are told:You call your friend Jim and find that he is not at home.Ask his sister(brother)to take a meage, telling Jim to call you.Your number is: 678834。
All student Bs are told:You are at home.Your brother Jim is out.Someone call you looking for Jim.Tell him /her Jim is out and ask if you can take a meage.Ask for the caller's name and telephone number.3)、The students start their telephone conversation after they are ready.Student Bs have to start first.4)、The students are asked to open their books and asked to compare the dialogue with their own’s 5)、The students are asked to ask and answer about the dialogue.6)、The students are asked to read the dialogue in pairs again and the cla goes on.我这样安排的目的在于让学生通过对话自个了解到本课新授内容,无需
教师的解释,并且让学生通过问答,得出正确的语言知识,使学生被动为主动,不像我们部分教师直接将新授内容介绍给学生,如他们常这样开始他们的课,"Today ,we are going to learn……",这样的开场白被学生视为老生常谈,这样不但无法激发学生的兴趣,而且使学生学得很被动,象是一个婴儿硬是被喂了几口,这样的孩子能长得快吗?试问这两种方法中哪种方法更受欢迎?
2、Dialogue-Practice 在教师确信学生已经彻底领会了所学内容后,就开始组织学生积极投入,以诸多方式进行操练,例如:
gapped dialogues , read and act, scrambled dialogue and so on.1)、Practised by gapped dialogues :
Practice focus:to ask the way and give directions.(Two sets of gapped dialogues are prepared as show below)Dialogue A A:Excuse me,Where's ___ ,please? B:Go along___ ___ ,and ____ ___ right.Dialogue B A : _____hospital, please? B:____ ____ the street ,and ___ ____ left.A:___ ____ 3)、Dialogues-Production 在这一阶段,学生对所学知识已相当熟悉,要达到语言学习的首要目的-交际,学生最好将所学知识学以致用。教
师可以精心设计情景,组织学生分角进行自由对话并表演。教师最后给予评定或提出某些要求,有利于学生提高口头运用语言的能力。例如:The following situation is set up.Kate's T-shirt is too old-fashioned ,so she asks her mother to buy her a new one.In the shop the shop aistant is friendly and she serves them carefully.The first one Kate tries on is yellow, and Kate likes the color ,but it's too large.So they ask for another.The second is green and the size is just all right ,so they want to take it.Places:At home first ,then in the shop.Roles:A:Kate B:Kate's mother C:the shop aistant
Teaching Plan
Student No.:
Unit One What is your favourite food?
(First Period)
I.Teaching aims /objectives:
1)learn to use key words and sentences 2)improve listening ability through practice …
II.Language points and difficulties: 1)the use of "There be…"sentence pattern 2)how to ask other people to do sth politely 3)The use of fewer, le, etc.…
III.Teaching methods and aids: 1)pairwork to practise speaking and then make a role play within the pairs 2)play games to consolidate new words and expreions 3)multimedia claroom, slides, recorder, tape, etc.…
IV.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in
Step 2:pre-
Step 3 While-
Step 4 Post-
初中英语教案模板Step 5 Summary …
Step X Homework …
(Reflections, if there are):
This leon aims at drilling students' ability to use the key words…, and sentence pattern….Students at this stage may have difficulties in learning them, so they have to do more practice to consolidate.To avoid dullne, students are required to take part in well-designed games, which may stimulate their interests to learn…
Design of the backboard writing
第3篇:少 儿 英 语 教 案 模 板
少 儿 英 语 教 案 模 板
一、Teaching Demands and Aims(教学目标)
二、Teaching important and difficult point(教学重点)
三、Teaching Aids(教具)
四、Teaching procedures(教学过程)Greeting(问候)warm up(热身)Review(复习)New Leon(新课)Step One: Step Two: Step Three: Follow up(叮咛)
作 业 的 布 置
2、录制要求:首先让学生和老师打招呼,接着报朗诵单元,然后录作业内容,最后与老师说再见。(如:Hello!Amanda.I am Go go.This is Unit 11„„„ Goodbye!Amanda!)
A:打招呼,先表扬肯定,后提出错误,注意错音的跟读 B:说悄悄话,增进师生感情交流 C:提出问题。
D:结束Say:“ Good bye!”