Teaching plan for lesson ~ Teaching Contents:……
教学内容 Teaching aims:
教学目的 1.Students are able to … by the end of the lesson.2.……
Teaching key points:
教学重点 Teaching difficulties:
教学难点 Teaching methods:
教学方法 Teaching aids: cards, pictures, tape-recorder, multi-media, etc.教学用具:卡片、图片、录音机、多媒体等 Teaching procedures:
教学程序 Step 1 Revision/Introduction
步骤1修订/介绍 Step 2 Presentation/pre-task/fast-reading/skimming/scanning
步骤2演示/ pre任务/快速阅读/浏览/扫描 Step 3 Drill/while-task/detailed-reading
步骤3钻/任务中/详细阅读 …………
Step 6 Oral practice/interview/Discussion 步骤6口头练习/面试/讨论 Step 7 Consolidation
第七步整合 Step 8 Summary
步骤8总结 Homework/Assignments:
Layout of Bb:
Reflection: ……
Teaching Plan
Name:Pinyin(中文)Class:Student No.:
Unit One What is your favourite food?
(First Period)
I.Teaching aims /objectives:
1)learn to use key words and sentences
2)improve listening ability through practice
II.Language points and difficulties:
1)the use of "There be…"sentence pattern
2)how to ask other people to do sth politely
3)The use of fewer, less, etc.…
III.Teaching methods and aids:
1)pairwork to practise speaking and then make a role play within the pairs
2)play games to consolidate new words and expressions
3)multimedia classroom, slides, recorder, tape, etc.…
IV.Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Lead-in
Step 2:pre-
Step 3 While-
Step 4 Post-
Step 5 Summary
Step X Homework
(Reflections, if there are):
This lesson aims at drilling students' ability to use the key words…, and sentence
pattern….Students at this stage may have difficulties in learning them, so they have to do more practice to consolidate.To avoid dullness, students are required to take part in well-designed games, which may stimulate their interests to learn…
Design of the backboard writing
Teaching plan
教学内容: Unit 3 What are you going to do? Part B let’s talk.Pair work.(定稿)
1)Where, what when 引导的特殊疑问句并能做出相应的问答。)能掌握句子:Where are
you going? I’m going to … What are you going to buy(do)? I’m going to … When are you going? I’m going …并能在实际情景中运用。
录音机、本课的磁带、头饰、单词卡片、多媒体课件、表格 教学步骤
1、Say and do.Shake your body.Shake your shoulders, shua, shua, shua.Shake your hands, ca, ca, ca.Shake your hip, pia, pia, pia.Shake your feet, dong, dong, dong.(设计意图:该活动与本课授课内容无关,但在活跃课堂气氛,缓解学生紧张心理,拉近师生关系很有效,特别是在讲公开课时。)
2、新课呈现及操练(Presentation & Practice)1 T: National Day is coming.Are you happy? I’m very happy.I’m going to do many things.Do you want to know where I am going and what I am going to do? Ss: Yes.T: But first you must guess some riddles.Do you want to guess? Ss: Yes.T:I have four riddles.This is a place.There are many kinds of books in it, you can buy or choose any books you want.Where is it? Ss: It’s a bookstore.同时板书句型:I’m going to the bookstore.领读并提问:Where are you going?(板书)几名学生回答。T: I’m going to buy a comic book.What are you going to buy?(我们去买吃的吗?)Ss: 同桌练习。(where & what)教师对学生给予及时的评价及表扬,给学生相应的小组加分。
2.T: 你们想不想知道老师还想去哪儿呀?引出下一个谜语。T: This is a place.There are many beautiful shoes here.You can buy shoes.Where is it? Ss:(出示图片)T: Yes, I’m going to the shoe store this weekend.Oh no, I’m going to the shoe store this afternoon.I’m going to buy a pair of shoes.(我已经等不及了,我急需一双新鞋。)I’m going at 5 o’clock.Do you want to buy new shoes? When are you going?(引出本课新句型)练习: 师生
------生生------同桌 教师依次说出另外两个谜语,引出本课的生词: fruit stand, pet shop, 为后面的句型替换做好准备。(设计意图:利用小学生的好奇心理,设计谜语,调动学生的积极性,而且利用旧知识带出新知识,让学生在不只不觉中掌握新知识。)
2、用课件出示几幅图片,让学生练习 T:There are some places.Where are you going? What are you going to do? When are you going? 教师先给学生做示范,然后让学生两人一组练习,然后几组学生展示他们的对话。(设计意图:通过教师的范例让学生感知句意,知道如何询问和应答将要去哪里,去做什么,什么时候去。直击本课时的重点、化解本课时的难点。)
3、出示Chenjie头饰问:Who is she? Ss: She is Chenjie.T: Yes, she is Chenjie.She is goin
g to buy something.Let’s listen and answer three questions.(课件出示问题同时教师把问题读一遍)听完录音后让学生四人一组,讨论完成表格。T:(指Chenjie)Where is she going this afternoon? S1: She is going to the bookstore.利用课件出示表格,出示问题答案。T:What is she going to buy? S5: She is going to buy a comic book.T:When is she going? Ss: She is going at 3 o’clock.教师领读并用tomorrow, next week, on Monday等表示时间的词进行替换。问一到两名学生。(设计意图:新课导入由易到难,层层深入,通过头饰让学生直观、有效地感受和理解新知识)