    Unit 2 Looking Different
    Topic 1 I have a small nose.
    Section A 一. Teaching aims and demands  教学目标
    1.Learn some useful words (1).Learn words about parts of the body: head, hair, face, eye, ear, nose, mouth, neck (2).Learn other useful words: big, s mall, long, short, wide, round, have, has 2.Learn the usage of “have” and “has” (1)I have a small nose.(2)They have…
    3.Learn to describe peoples appearances 二.教学步骤
    Step 1.Review (1) 对上一节所学内容进行复习。
    (2) 引导学生一对话形式复习。
    Step 2 (根据以上内容导入新课) T: Well done! Now we have learnt something about Jane.B
ut do you know how to describe her appearances? So first, lets learn some words about parts of the body.
    1.(板书单词,并带领学生拼读) head
    neck /h e d/  / f ei s/  /hεə/
    / n au z/
    / m auθ/
    /n e k/ 
    He has a big nose.They have small eyes.教授have has 的用法
    (板书)1.have: S(I/We/You/They)+have …
    2 has:  S(He/She/It)+has …
    Step 3 1教师带领学生运用身边事物造句,用have/has, 并让另一位学生复述。
    2 游戏 两人一组 Summary Homework: 1 复习 section A 2 描述一位身边朋友的外貌特征 反思
    Topic2 Would you like to cook with us ?
    SectionA 一.Teaching aims: 1.Students learn some new words and sentences about the phone greeting.2.Students learn how to give suggestions in English.二.Moral aims: Students can use the new expreions to communicate with others in daily life.三.Teaching procedures: Step1.Guidelines New words:
    free , up, West Hill, picnic, call , when , tomorrow , Useful expreions: 1.Hello, Jane.This is Kangkang.2.Are you free this Sunday? 3.Whats up? 4.Please tell Maria about it.5.Ill call her .6.See you then.
    Step3.Listening 1.Listen to 1a and fill in the blanks( 1b)  2.Volunteers to present the results.
    am接在I之后,is放在单数的名词或代词之后,are放在复数的名词或代词之后,否定句在be后加not,一般疑问句将be提前。回答:Yes,人称代词+ be./ No, 人称代词+be + not.如:
1) He is Mr.Chen.He is not Mr.Chen.
    -- Is he Mr.Chen?
    -- Yes, he is./ No, he isntt.2) I am a student. I am not a student.
    -- Are you a student?  -- Yes, I am./ No, I am not.3) They are teachers.They are not teachers.-- Are they teachers?
    -- Yes, they are./ No, they arent.练习:
    (一)用连系动词be( am, is, are)的正确形式填空。
    1.______ you fine?
    2.I _________ Mr.Chen.3._____ he your mother?
    4.-- ______ they from Japan? -- Yes, they _______.5.You ________ a teacher and she _____ a doctor.6.Where _______ Jack from?
    7.I _______ fine, too.Thanks 8.-- Who _______ this? -- This ________ Wang Kang.9.-- ____ you a student?  -- Yes, I _____.10.-- Where _______ Beijing? -- It_______ in China.11.-- ________ Ronaldo a Brazilian? -- Yes, he ___ .12.“I” ______ also a letter.
    13.You and I _________ students.14.He and she________ friends.
    15.He and I________ teachers.
    1.That is my football.
    2.Those are his books.
初中英语教案模板    3.Jim and Tom are good friends.
    4.My birthday is on November 1st.
    5.His son is twelve years old.
    1.His card is on the table.
    2.These are my parents.
    3.Bob and Tony are our friends.
    4.These things are five dollars.
    5.The girl is his sister.
    1.Our teachers are in the claroom.
    2.The girls telephone number is 032-55746.
    3.Her pen is black.
    4.These socks are five yuan.
    5.They are thirteen years old.
    1)一般在名词词尾加--s,如:car----cars; apple---apples  2)以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词,在词尾加---es,如:box---boxes; bus---buses; watch ---watches.3)以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i再加es,如:family---families. 5)以fe、f结尾,变fe、f为v再加es,如:life---lives.