    一.Where’s my schoolbg?
    询问某人或某物的位置,意思是·······在哪里。回答用 it is + 介词短语。特别疑问句的回答不能用yes,no来进行。
    Where is your book?
    It’s on the desk.
    1、构成: 主语+动词原型。
    〔主语为第三人称单数〕 主语+doesn’t + 动词原形。
    3、一般疑问句: Do +主语+动词原形
    Does +主语+动词原形〔主语为第三人称单数〕
    回答:Yes,主语+do/does.  No,主语+ don’t/doesn’t.
    三. 询问价格
    1〕  How much is + 单数商品?How much re + 复数商品?
    It’s + 钱  They’re + 钱
    2〕  Wht’s the price of + 商品?
    It’s + 钱
    2. how mny/how much
    询问数量how mny + 可数名词,how much + 不行数名词
    1〕你有多少苹果?How mny pples do you hve?
    2〕你想要多少水?How much wter do you wnt?
    四.1. months: 月份:
    Jnury 一月  Februry二月Mrch三月pril四月  My五月  June六月  July七月  ugust八月  September九月  October十月  November十一月  December十二月
    2. 基数词变序数词口诀:
    一、二、三,特别记,结尾字母t, d, d  〔one----first, two---second, three---third〕
    八去t,九去e,ve要用f替 〔eight—eighth, nine—ninth, five—fifth, twelve—twelfth〕  y要改为ie (twenty—twentieth,  thirty—thirtieth)
    若是碰上几十几,只变个位就可以 (twenty-one---twenty-first, thirty-four—thirty-fourth)
    3. 名词全部格
    在英语中,当我们表达“我的〞“你的〞“他的〞时,用代词my, your, his等。
    假如要表示“某个〔些〕人的〞时,可以在某个〔些〕人后加’s来表示全部关系,这种形式我们称为全部格。如Mike的父亲:Mike’s fther, 我妈妈的名字:my mother’s nme
    ? 构成:1)单数名词加’s.
    2)以s结尾的复数名词加’读音不变。如the techers’ room(老师们的房间)
    ? 表共同全部,在最终一个名词后加“’s〞。
    Jim nd Tom’XX姆和汤姆的母亲〔共同全部〕
    ? 表各自全部,在每个名词后加“’s〞
    Jim’s room nd Tom’s room re both big. XX姆的房间和汤姆的房间都很大。〔各自全部〕
    Unit 3 重点句型:
    1. For mny students, it is esy to get to school.( 山区〕
    ①It is+形容词+for sb +to 意思是做某事〔对某人来说〕是···的,for sb 可以省略。
    I think itll be ll right for him to go to school.我认为他去学校是没问题的。It is +形容词to do?.表示“干某事是?。〞。这是一个动词   
不定式作主语的句型,但不写在句首,用it 代替。不定式前可加for?短语,作不定式的主语。例如: It is esy for me to tke the books to the clssroom.
    Its very importnt for us to study English well.
    It is difficult to finish the work tody.
    1. how often〞多长时间一次〞对在某一特定的时间内进行的动作次数进行提问,其答语一般为“never  sometimes  usully〞等频率副词。 例如:How often do  you exercise?——every dy.2.  how long“多长时间一次〞是询问动作持续的时间,答语通常是表示时间的状语〔two weeks等〕前面一般跟介词for;有时也可以表示长度。例如:How long do you wtch TV every dy?——for three hours.3.  how fr  “多远〞  一般指的是一地到另一地的距离例如:How fr is it from your home to school?——three kilometers.4. how mny 和how much 均可表示“多少〞how mny 修饰可数名词的复数形式,而how much 修饰不行数名词,还可以用来询问价格。
    Mry wnts to know where Bob lives.
    how fr does Bob live from his grndprents’ home.
    how he get to his grndprents’ home.
    how long it tkes to get to his grndprents’ home.
    wht he thinks of the trip.
    Tht’s  funny time for brekfst!
    感叹句通常有wht, how引导,表示赞美、惊叹、喜 悦、等感情。
    wht修饰名词,how 修饰形容词,副词或动词,感叹句结构主要有以下几种:把握它的搭配,即把握了感叹句的重点。
    How +形容词+  +名词+ 陈述语序
    Wht +名词+陈述语序
    Wht++形容词+名词+  陈述语序
    Wht+ 形容词+复数名词+ 陈述语序
    Wht+ 形容词+不行数名词+陈述语序
    mking sentences:
    How clever  boy he is!
    How lovely the bby is!
    Wht noise they re mking!
    Wht  clever boy he is!
    Wht wonderful ides (we hve)!
    Wht cold wether it is!
    Wht  clever boy (he is)!
    Eg. ----------- nice clock it is!
    .Wht  B how  C . Why.
    Unit 4
    一.Don’t rrive lte for clss.
    1. 句中的rrive 表示“到达,抵达〞,为不及物动词,后面加宾语需加介词t 或in。t后面为较小的场所,如村庄,小镇,in 后面跟大地点,GJ,城市。 --When will he rrive t the irport?--I will cll you s soon s I rrive in Beijing.单词 get 和rech 也有到达的意思,get 为不及物动词,
后面跟地点名词需加介词to, rech为及物动词,直接跟地点名词作宾语,当get 和rrive 后接副词时,不用介词。 The trin rrives in Beijing t 8 o’clock.=The trin gets to Beijing t 8 o’clock.=The trin reches Beijing t 8 o’clock..Wht time did your fther rrive home lst night?2. rrive lte for意思是 做·······迟到,相当于  be lte for .lte在句子中作副词,也可以作形容词He often comes to school lte.Don’t be lte for school gin. rrive lte for 与be lte for 意思相近,迟到
    Dont rrive 〔be〕lte for school. 上学别迟到。
    二.Don’t fight.
    Fight with  和·····吵架
    Fight ginst 与·······作战,为反对······斗争
    Fight for  为·······战斗〔自由、真理、权利、GJ〕
    Eg. We hve to fight ginst difficulties.
    They fight for their country.
    三.There re too mny rules!  Too mny 修饰可数名词复数
    -- He hs too mny things in his bg.
    1. too 在本句中作副词,意思是“太,过于〞,表示超出肯定的限度。 The box is too smll. I cn’t put ll the things in it.He rrived t school too lte.
    2. too 常用于 be too +形容词 + 〔for sb.〕to do 的结构中,表示“太??而不能〞.He is too young to go to school.The problem is too difficult for me to work out.
    3. too mny 意思为“太多〞,修饰可数名词复数形式, too much 意思为“太多〞修饰不行数名词, too 在这里说明多的程度,意思是太多,too much可作副词或者形容词。
    副词: Don’t wtch TV too much.
    There re too mny people in the bus.
    Don’t et too much met.  It’s bd for your helth.
    Much too ,重点在too, much只是用在TOO之前加强语气,意思是太、特别,常用在副词或者形容词前
    -- He drives much too fst.
    Eg. I hve -------- books to red tody.
    . Too mnyB. Too much  C. Much too D. Very much
    四.But remember, they mke rules to help us.
    remember doing sth.记得做过某事  比方:I remember turning off the lights when i left home.出门时,我记得把灯关了。remember to do sth.记得要干某事  比方:Plese remember to turn off the lights when you leve。请离开时记得关灯。另外remember的反义词forget的用法跟它一模一样。--- mke sentences with the word remember nd forget.
    I remember tht I sw her lst yer.
    Remember  to B : 表示代 向B问好。
    ---- Plese remember---------  new bike tomorrow. This is old.
    Lesson pln
    NSEFC Module2 Unit Reding In Techer:
    Period:Period1 Type:Reding
    Durtion: 45minutes
    Teching ideology
    The current theory view reding s  interctive process which involves not only the printed pge but lso the reder’s old knowledge of the lnguge in generl, the world nd the text types. In the reding process, these fctors interct with ech other nd compenste for ech other. Bsed on the understnding of reding s n interctive process, teching reding in the clssroom is divided into three stges in which the top-down nd bottom-up techniques integrted to develop the students lnguge efficiency in generl nd reding strtegies. The three stges re pre-reding, while-reding nd post-reding.
    Teching mteril nd lerning condition
    The nlysis of teching mteril
    The teching mteril is the reding prt from NSEFC Module2 Unit. The topic of this unit is . This pssge minly introduces  The pssge consists of prgrphs. The first prgrph is  generl introduction of the . Pr.2 to Pr.4 introduces . The lst prgrph tells bout . The topic is not new to the Ss. But there is some new words nd phses in the pssge.
    The nlysis of lerning condition
    The students re from grde1 in senior high school. s high school students, they hve chieved certin English level nd they hve the bility to get the bsic ide of the reding. Since they re in grde1, they re esily ctivted nd wnt to ir their own opinions on the topic. They re fmilir with the topic of  nd know some. But they my not know before. Moreover, their vocbulry is limited so they my hve difficulties in understnding some sentences.
    Lerning objectives
    1. Lnguge skills
    ? t the beginning of the clss, Ss cn predict the content of the pssge bsed on the title. ? Ss cn scn the pssge nd find out the specific informtion such s the person relted with
    ? Ss cn summrize the pssge with the help of the clues of the pssge.
    2. Lnguge knowledge
    ? Ss cn mster the key words nd phrses of the pssge s follows, . ? Ss cn lern  , especilly
    3. ffects
    ? Ss will relize tht nd they will concern themselves with the issue of
    4. Culturl wreness
    ? Ss will broden their minds by knowing something bout
    5. Lerning strtegies
    ? Ss will cultivte their bility individul lerning nd coopertive lerning by doing some
    ctivities independently nd some in groups.
    ? Ss will communicte with ech other in English while doing the group work.
    Lnguge difficulties
    focuses nd nticipted
    Lnguge focuses
    This is  reding period so the focus is to cultivte the students’ reding skills. The mny ctivities re designed to help Ss to trin their reding skills, such s predicting, skimming, scnning nd summrizing.
    It is lso importnt for the Ss to mster the new words nd phrses.
    nticipted difficulties
    s the Ss hve  limited vocbulry, so they my hve some difficulties in understnding the pssge. So the techer will help them lern the new words nd phrses.
    Ss my did not herd  before, so the techer will tell them some bckground knowledge bout it.
    Teching method
    Three-stge model: Bsed on the understnding of reding s n interctive process, teching reding in the clssroom is divided into three stges in which the top-down nd bottom-up techniques integrted to develop the students lnguge efficiency in generl nd reding strtegies. The three stges re pre-reding, while-reding nd post-reding.
    Teching ids
    Multimedi devices nd PPT documents: In order to help Ss to fully understnd the whole pssge, I dopt Multimedi devices nd PPT documents to bring the rel-life sitution into the clssroom.
    Teching procedures
    Step1. Led-in (6min)
    ctivity1. Greetings nd Free-tlking (2min)
    T Leds into the topic by sking Ss some  they know. Ss tell the nme of the  they know free
    T: Hello boys nd girls. (Ss sy hello to the techer.)
    T: When we sy , wht ppers in your minds? (Ss tell the things pper in their minds freely.) T: Wht re the  ?  (Ss tell some nmes of  .)
    ctivity2. Picture-tlking (4min)
    T shows some pictures bout the  in Chin nd brod. fter seeing the pictures, Ss re expected to tell the similrities of them.
    T: Just now, you tlk bout some  in Chin. Now, let’s see some pictures of some . (T shows the pictures nd Ss see them crefully.)
    T: Wht do the hve in common?For exmple, they re very precious. Wht re your opinions?
    (T gives them some hints nd Ss tell the chrcteristics of )
    ? In this step, T first leds in the topic by tlking with the Ss freely bout the  which
    is fmilir to them nd then Ss see some pictures nd tell the chrcteristics. These two ctivities im to rouse the Ss’ interests in the topic nd ctivte their old knowledge of . Then Ss will be m
entlly prepred for the reding comprehension. Wht’s more,
    when they re tlking bout the chrteristics of, they will relize tht there rre nd precious nd they will concern themselves with the issue of .
    Step2. Pre-reding (3min)
    ctivity1. Knowing something bout  (1min)
    T gives  brief introduction of the. Ss will know the T: Tody, we re going to lern . It is . Do you know wht is? (T shows some pictures ofnd Ss get to know the .)
    ctivity2. Predicting (2min)
    T sks Ss to red the title of the pssge nd then sk them some questions. Ss will predict the content of the pssge with the help of the title.
    T: plese look t the title “〞, wht does “〞 men?
    (If the Ss cn not give the nswer, then T explin it.)
    T: In serch mens tht people re looking for it. Why re people looking for it? Cn you guess? Wht will the pssge tlk bout?
    (Ss predict the content, but T will not give the nswer here.)
    In this step, the Ss first know some informtion of the ; the bckground informtion will mke it esier for the Ss to understnd the pssge. Then T sks Ss to mke predictions bout the pssge. It ims to help Ss develop the reding skills of predicting.
    Step3. While-reding (22min)
    ctivity1. Skimming (4min)
    Ss skim the whole pssge nd find out  nd check their predictions. T: Why re people still ? Here is  multiple choice for you.
    ctivity2.  Scnning (3min)
    T presents severl true or flse sttements nd sks the Ss to scn the pssge nd judge the right from the wrong.
    (Keys: F,F,T,T,F)
    ctivity3 Close-reding (15min)
    T designs vrious kinds of ctivities nd Ss do the ctivities to fully understnd the pssge. Pr.1
    T: Plese red Pr.1 crefully nd then tke some note bout the .
    Plese red Pr.2-4 crefully nd then find out the removl of the room.
    Plese red Pr.2-4 crefully nd then find out the person relted with the mber Room nd the things them down with it.
    Plese red Pr.5 crefully nd then find out the the rebuilding of the mber room.