teaching plan
student: the students of grade 9
teaching content: go for it, students’ book of grade 9.unit 1, the title is how do you study for a test? section b, 3a, 3b, 3c.teaching hour: one cla hour teaching plan: i.teaching aims:
1.learn and master new words, phrases and sentence able the students to talk i
n english about how to study english very well.3.develop the students speaking and writing aching main points:
1.improve the students’ speaking and writing ability.2.master some phrases and some sentence aching difficult points: 1.phrases:
first of all, later on, laugh at, take notes 2.sentence patterns: sb.be afraid to do alize that –aching methods:
1.fast reading to find out the general information about the paage.2.question-and-answer activities to help the students to go through the whole paage.3.individual, pair and group work to make every student work in aching aids: the blackboard
vi.teaching procedures: the blackboard design:
英语教学设计 1、概 念
开发学习资源,拓展学习时空 3、教学设计四要点
步骤细:步步为营 环环相扣
重情感:师生和谐 生生和谐
重整合:教学理论 教学内容
教学目标 教学方法
教学手段 教学情境
unit 6 i’m more outgoing than my sister.(section a)
任务和开展活动具有很大的挑战性,需要在实际操作中对教材进行重新整合,并要根据学生的环境和接受能力来开展行之有效的任务和活动。同时利用多媒体和网络技术,帮助解决教学难题。这样,既能为学生创设真实可视的英语学习环境,也能激发学生积极参 与的欲望,引起学生的共鸣和兴趣。
1.学习有关人物特点的单词:tall, thin, short, heavy, calm? 2、学习人物比较的重要句型: pedro is funnier is more athletic than sam.3、掌握语法点:the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives
2、学生根据班级的真实情况,采用“名人专访”、“公众投票”、“明日之星”的游戏,培养学生的想象力、自信心和合作精神。 3、通过学习本课,增强师生、生生间的相互了解和沟通。4、培养学生的口头表达能力、阅读理解能力和写作能力。
[教学过程] step 1 lead-in
t:i have a sister.can you gue what she looks like and what she is like?(show them you are waiting.)
s:she is tall./she is thin./ she has long hair./she is easygoing./?(students use their imagination and expre themselves freely.)
t:let’s look at our photos.(show them on the screen.)please talk about us.s:she is shorter than you./she has shorter hair than you./she is thinner than you./?(students get information from the photos.)
t:i’m more outgoing than my sister.(lead in the cla subject.)
[设计意图:1、平时师生间接触多,但学生与老师的家人接触甚少,利用学生的心理和想象空间,调动学生的学习兴趣,增进师生间的相互了解。2、了解学生对已学过的形容词比较级和最高级的掌握程度,为下一步巩固学习做好铺垫。] step 2 revision
1、revise the adjectives describing people’s appearance and personalities: divide the cla into four groups and
have a competition.see which group of the students can get as much as poible.write down on a piece of paper prepared before cla.(students must collect them before cla.)
2、show some photos about famous persons and talk about their personal traits,using description words, such as short hair/long hair, curly hair/straight hair, tall/short, heavy/thin, funny/serious, outgoing/quiet, smart/foolish, beautiful/ugly, intelligent/lazy, friendly/unfriendly ?etc, on the screen.[设计意图:1、复习已学内容,自然延伸到新课学习,起到承上启下的作用。2、开展竞赛活动,既可调动课堂气氛,又可提高求知欲望,一举两得。] step 3 presentation
1、learn some new words about personal traits: calm/wild, athletic/weak,using the pictures of 3 pairs of twins in section a.t: who is calmer, tom or sam?
s: tom is calmer than sam.sam is wilder is more athletic than sam.sam is wea
ker than tom.2、do section a-1a.match each word with the opposite.check the answers.3、get students to introduce the rules of the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives.(show them on the screen.)
[设计意图:1、充分利用课本资源和网络资源,进行词汇教学,词不离句,形散而神不散。2、让学生归纳总结语法知识点,因势利导,有利于开启思维,体现以学生为中心的教学特点。step 4 listening
1、listen to the tape and number the pictures in 1b.2、listen to the tape and complete the chat in 2a.listen again and fill in chat in 2b.3、check the answers.[设计意图:听力训练既是对知识的巩固,也为下一步的任务输出提供了输入材料。] step 5 practice
task 1: interview famous persons(pair work)
1、demonstrate the activity with one student.(imagine he/she is a famous person.the teacher acts as a reporter.)