Part 1:lead-in
Step 1 Talk about the topic
  Give students enough background of the topic .Also let them familiar with the difficult words, especially new words. 了解背景  熟悉主题
T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Today, we’ll learn Unit_____ textbook/workbook Page______. Now who can tell me whether you know about _______? And what does _______ mean?
T: Very good, you say it means _________________ In other words, we can say_______________________ (Give another description about the material, if possible, show some body language) Now, lets look at the following questions.
1. What does __________ stand for?
2. Do you believe____________________________?
3. Have you ever read some reports about _____________ in China?
T: OK. Now who can answer the questions in volunteer?
T: The first question, (pause)(平伸右手手掌朝上,示意学生回答)Good!
T: The second question, (pause)(平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答)Very good! (右手伸出大拇指,示意回答得很棒)
T: The third question, (pause)(平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答)Yes, perfect. (双手伸出大拇指,示意回答得很棒)
Step 2 Know more about unexplained things图片展现  引起兴趣
T: Now, let’s discuss some unexplained things. First of all, I’ll show pictures of ______.
What can you see in the pictures? (pause)
T: Yes,its about________ _________________________________________________
(To clarify the meaning and arouse students’ interest of talking about more unexplained things. If possible, show some body language)   
Part 2 pre –listening()
Guess the meaning of the following words() 猜测词意  扫清障碍
Prepare students for the listening task. 听前预测 
Step 1 Go through the exercise quickly to find the difficult words. 浏览材料  明确任务