Title: Teaching Plan Template for Junior High School English Lesson
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand and use the target language to describe daily routines and express preferences.
- PowerPoint presentation
- Handouts with exercises and activities
- Whiteboard and markers
1. Greet the students and initiate a short conversation about their daily routines.
2. Show pictures or flashcards depicting various daily activities and ask students to identify and describe them in English.
Introduction (5 minutes):
1. Present the learning objective of the lesson and explain its relevance to students' daily lives.
2. Introduce the target vocabulary related to daily routines and preferences using the PowerPoint presentation.
3. Provide examples and encourage students to repeat and practice the pronunciation of the new words.
Presentation (15 minutes):
1. Display a chart on the board with different daily activities and their corresponding time frames.
2. Elicit responses from students to complete the chart, ensuring they understand the vocabulary and can use it in context.
3. Introduce the target language structures for describing daily routines and expressing preferences.
4. Model and provide examples of sentences using the target language, highlighting the correct grammar and sentence structure.
Practice (20 minutes):
1. Divide the class into pairs or small groups.
2. Distribute the handouts with exercises and activities related to the target language.
3. Instruct students to complete the exercises individually or in their groups.
4. Monitor and provide assistance as needed.
5. Conduct a whole-class feedback session to review the answers and address any common mistakes.
Production (15 minutes):
1. Assign a task where students have to create a dialogue or a short skit using the target language to describe daily routines and express preferences.
2. Allow students to work in pairs or small groups to develop their dialogues.
3. Encourage creativity and provide guidance when necessary.
4. Invite some groups to perform their dialogues in front of the class, while others listen and provide feedback.
Conclusion (5 minutes):
1. Summarize the key points covered in the lesson.
2. Provide feedback and praise for students' efforts during the activities.
3. Assign homework that reinforces the target language, such as writing a short paragraph about their own daily routines or completing additional exercises.
Note: This teaching plan template can be adapted and modified to suit the specific needs and requirements of different Junior High School English lessons.