last sunday六年级英语作文
愉快的星期天Last Sunday was a beautiful day filled with sunshine and warmth. It was a perfect day to spend time outdoors and enjoy the fresh air. 上个星期天是一个阳光明媚、温暖的美好日子。这是一个在户外度过时间、享受新鲜空气的完美日子。
I decided to go for a hike in the nearby mountains with my family. We packed a picnic lunch and set off early in the morning. The crisp mountain air and stunning views were invigorating. 我决定和家人去附近的山上远足。我们准备了野餐午餐,一大早就出发了。清新的山间空气和壮丽的风景令人振奋。
As we trekked up the mountain trail, we encountered various wildlife and colorful flowers blooming along the way. It was a magical sight that filled me with awe and appreciation for the natural world. 当我们沿着山间小道徒步时,我们遇到了各种野生动物和沿途盛开的五彩缤纷的鲜花。这是一个神奇的景象,让我充满敬畏和对自然世界的感激。
Reaching the summit was a rewarding experience as we were met with breathtaking panora
mic views of the surrounding landscape. We sat down to enjoy our picnic lunch while soaking in the beauty of nature all around us. 到达山顶是一次令人满足的经历,因为我们看到了周围风景的壮丽全景。我们坐下来享用野餐午餐,同时沉浸在周围自然美景中。
After lunch, we continued our hike down the mountain, feeling rejuvenated and at peace with the world. The sound of birds chirping and the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze was soothing to the soul. 午餐后,我们继续徒步下山,感觉焕然一新,与世界和谐相处。鸟语声和微风中树叶的沙沙声对灵魂非常抚慰。
As the day drew to a close, we made our way back to the car, tired but content from a day spent surrounded by the beauty of nature. It was a Sunday well spent, creating memories that would last a lifetime. 随着一天的结束,我们回到了车上,虽然疲惫但由于整天身处于自然之美中而感到满足。这是一个度过得很愉快的星期天,创造了一生难忘的回忆。