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A special form of traditional art—Chinese knots
Chinese knots are a form of Chinese traditional art.The history of Chinese knots dates back to ancient times.It is said that they were developed into an art form in the Tang and Song Dynasties and later bec
ame popular in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
Colorful thread is used for tying the knots.However,the most commonly used color is red because it symbolizes good luck and prosperity.The knots can be used as car or mobile phone decorations.Also,people hang the knots in rooms.
Chinese knots can be seen in different parts of China,which are popular among the young and the old.
点睛:本范文介绍了中国结的历史、颜、用途及现状等等,包含了提纲提示的所有要点。内容完整、要点清楚,层次清楚明白,主旨分明,中心突出。特别是文中用到的短语:be used for ; be used as; be popular among等等及像it is said等等复杂句式的运用,使短文生动具体。总之,这是一篇较好的习作范文。
2.舞狮是中国优秀的传统民间艺术。请你为班级英语角的“人物”版块写一篇短文,介绍一位舞狮(Lion Dance)技艺传承人——叶天。短文内容包含以下要点:
Ye Tian is a master of Lion Dance.
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Ye Tian is a master of Lion Dance. He is 45 years old and he is from Foshan, Guangdong. When he was 4, he started to learn Lion Dance. He is very interested in it and practices hard. At the age of 22, he won the first prize in the National Lion Dance Competition.
To help keep the Lion Dance alive, he and the dancers go abroad and perform Lion Dance every year. Besides, he teaches the young in Foshan how to perform it. He also shoots the videos of Lion Dance and uploads them to the website so that more people can know about it.
Lion Dance is one of the traditional Chinese folk arts that brings people happiness during festivals. I really admire Ye Tian. In my view, we should learn more about Lion Dance from Ye Tian and pass it down.
【详解】1.题干解读:该题目属于材料作文。以班级英语角的“人物”版块写一篇短文,介绍舞狮(Lion Dance)技艺传承人——叶天。
3.年夜饭是中国文化中最重要的团圆饭,传统的年夜饭是除夕祭祖后才能食用。假如你是李华,请给你以Family Dinner on Spring Festival Eve为题,向你的外国笔友Jack介绍你家的年夜饭—包括菜式(至少三种)、寓意以及相关的文化习俗,描述吃年夜饭的场景以及家人的感受等,并邀请他明年除夕来你家共聚。
参考词汇:团圆饭reunion dinner祭祖worship the ancestor
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Dear Jack,
I am glad to know that you are interested in the family dinner on the Spring Festival Eve.
It is the most important reunion dinner in Chinese traditional culture. On Spring Festival Eve, family members get together to enjoy the dinner after worshipping the ancestors. There are all kinds of delicious food and drinks. Many of them usually have great meanings. For example, New Year cake is often the first dish, which means “having good luck and becoming better” in Chinese pronunciation. Another dish is fish, which means “every year has enough thing to spend”. One of the most important food is dumpling, which means “attracting wealth”. To me, the family dinner on the Spring Festival Eve means happiness. Because at that time, all my families get together and I can get a lot of lucky money.
I hope you can come to China next year and celebrate the Spring Festival with my family.
Li Hua 【详解】[总体分析]
① 题材:本文是一篇书信作文;
① 时态:时态为一般现在时;
① 提示:写作要点已给出,考生应注意要用第一人称叙述,不要遗漏参考词汇和“提示信息”中年夜饭的重要性,(至少)三种重要菜式以及它们的寓意,相关文化习俗,自己及家人的感受,以及邀请对方明年来共聚除夕,适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。
① on the Spring Festival Eve在除夕夜舞狮的作文
① all kinds of各种各样的
①There are all kinds of delicious food and drinks.(There be句型)
①One of the most important food is dumpling, which means “attracting wealth”. (which引导的定语从句;one of the+最高级+名词复数表示“其中最……之一”)
4.Write a letter of at least 60 words according to the given situation (根据以下情境写一封不少于60个词的信,标点符号不占格。信的开头和署名已给,不计入总字数。)
中华武术(Chinese martial arts)京剧(Peking Opera)中华书法(Chinese calligraphy)
中文歌曲(Chinese songs)中华美食(Chinese food)中华剪纸(Chinese paper-cutting)
(注意:1. 信中不得出现考生姓名、校名等个人信息,否则不予评分。2. 照抄阅读语篇不得分。)