    1. My grandfather is a TCM doctor, and I have learned a lot from him about Chinese medicine.
    2. One of the most important things I have learned is the importance of balance in the body. Chinese medicine believes that the body is a complex system of interconnected parts, and that when one part is out of balance, it can affect the whole system.
    3. I have also learned the importance of listening to the body. Chinese medicine believes that the body is its own best healer, and that we should pay attention to the signals it sends us.
    1. 我和中医爷爷的三件事。
    2. 我爷爷是一位中医,我从小就跟着他学习中医,从中受益匪浅。
    3. 我从爷爷那里学到的最重要的一件事就是身体平衡的重要性。中医认为身体是一个由相互关联的各个部分组成的复杂系统,当一个部分失去平衡时,就会影响到整个系统。
    4. 我还学到了倾听身体声音的重要性。中医相信身体是最好的医生,我们应该注意身体给我们的信号。