My May Day Trip to Hainan
It's May Day, and I'm currently enjoying a wonderful trip to Hainan with my family. The sun is shining brightly, and the sea breeze feels refreshing as we walk along the beach.
As we arrive at the airport, I can see the excitement in everyone's eyes. The flight is smooth, and I'm watching the clouds drift by from my window seat. I'm already imagining the beauty of Hainan's beaches and the warmth of its sun.
Once we land, we head straight to the hotel. The hotel is located right by the beach, and the view from our room is breathtaking. I can see the waves rolling in and the seagulls soaring in the sky. It's such a relaxing sight.
As we step out of the hotel, I'm greeted by the warm sun and the soft sand. I'm building sand castles with my siblings while my parents are setting up our beach umbrella. The sea is inviting, and I can't wait to jump in.
We spend the afternoon swimming and playing in the sea. The water is crystal clear, and the fish swimming below us are a beautiful sight. I'm feeling the sand beneath my feet as I walk in the shallow water, and the warmth of the sun is a perfect companion.
As evening approaches, we decide to try some local seafood. The restaurant is bustling with tourists, and the aroma of the food is making my mouth water. I'm enjoying a delicious seafood platter while listening to the soft music in the background.
After dinner, we head back to the beach for a walk under the starry sky. The moon is shining brightly, and the stars are twinkling above us. I'm feeling so happy and content, and I know this trip is going to be a memorable one.
Back at the hotel, I'm looking forward to the next day, when we'll explore more of Hainan's beauty. This trip is not just about relaxation but also about spending quality time with my family.