Call for Submission of High School English Essays
Are you a high school student with a passion for writing in English? Do you have a unique perspective or a compelling story to share? If so, we want to hear from you! We are currently seeking submissions for high school English essays to be featured in our upcoming publication. This is an opportunity for you to showcase your writing skills and have your work recognized by a wider audience. Whether it's a personal narrative, a persuasive essay, or a literary analysis, we welcome all types of essays that demonstrate creativity, critical thinking, and a strong command of the English language.
Submission Guidelines:
1. Topic: There are no specific prompts for this call. You are welcome to write about any topic that interests you or that you feel passionate about. However, please ensure that your essay is appropriate for a high school audience.
2. Length: Essays should be no less than 1200 words in length. Longer essays are also welcomed, but please ensure that your essay is well-organized and coherent.
3. Language: All essays must be written in English. We encourage you to showcase your language skills and creativity in your writing.
4. Originality: Submissions must be the original work of the author. Plagiarism will not be tolerated, and any essays found to be plagiarized will be disqualified.
5. Format: Please submit your essay as a Word document, double-spaced, with 12-point Times New Roman font.
高中英语文章Submission Process:
To submit your essay for consideration, please email it to [Insert email address] with the subject line "High School English Essay Submission - [Your Name]". In the body of the email, please include your full name, grade, school name, and contact information. Please also include a brief bio (50-100 words) about yourself.
The deadline for submissions is [Insert deadline date]. Any essays received after this date will not be considered for publication.
We look forward to reading your submissions and showcasing the talent and creativity of high school writers. If you have any questions about the submission process or the publication, please feel free to contact us at [Insert contact information]. Good luck and happy writing!
1. 主题:此次征稿没有特定的提示。欢迎你写有关任何你感兴趣或对你来说充满激情的话题。但请确保你的文章适合高中读者。
2. 长度:文章长度不少于1200字。也欢迎更长的文章,但请确保你的文章结构合理、连贯。
3. 语言:所有文章必须用英语撰写。我们鼓励你在写作中展示你的语言技能和创造力。
4. 原创性:投稿必须是作者的原创作品。我们不容忍抄袭行为,任何发现抄袭的文章将被取消资格。
5. 格式:请以Word文档形式提交你的文章,双倍行距,使用12号Times New Roman字体。
要提交你的文章供考虑,请发送邮件至[插入邮箱地址],并在邮件主题中注明“高中英语作文投稿- [你的姓名]”。在邮件正文中,请包括你的全名、年级、学校名称和。请还包括一份简短的个人简介(50-100字)。