teaching procedures
step1 warming up
t: boys and girls, good morning. are you in a good mood today?
s: yes!
t: i’m so happy to hear that. what kinds of words can be used to describe the persons’ emotions.
ss: (lost in thought)
t:let’s enjoy some pictures and find out some emotional words to describe them.  ss: (
very interested and excited)
t:go through the following words and match them with the correct meaning
cross  a feeling that you experience
frustration a feeling when you are prevented from doing
what you want
curiosityto make something less difficult
simplify (vt.)  a strong feeling of wanting to find out about something 设计意图:以阅读材料为依托,在单词教学环节向学生渗透语篇意识,引导学生在语境中理解单词、短语的意义以及用法。在具体的教学中,采用了单词与词义配对、构词法练习,图文并茂猜。
t: would you like to think of some emotional words which can fit the situation. situation 1:
  this morning when i got to school, my headmaster asked me to her office. she told me i was the only student who had passed the exam and would have a chance to be an exchange student.
s1: happiness/excitement
situation 2:
however, about half an hour later, i was called to the office again and was told that the teacher had made a mistake!
t:where can we find happiness in our life? are they really happy? (more pictures for the students to glance through)
ss: (heated discussion)
t: i can’t agree more. such pictures do bring us so much simple happiness. to have h
appiness is just so easy.
  step2: lead-in
t: we can find happiness in all respect in our daily life. what can bring people happiness? do you think there are some things that make everyone happy? what are they? can you guess?
ss: (very interested and excited)
suggested answers:
s1:s2s3s4s5t: good answers! 设计意图:通过向学生们展示许多贴近生活实际的图片,调动学生的求知欲,培养学生积极参与课堂活动的意识。同时设计一些与阅读文章有关联的问题,为下一步的教学活动做铺垫。
  step3:read for information
t: nice going! you know, miss dinsmore was annoyed with her little gray house. do you want to know what can make miss dinsmore happy? let’s read the passage and try to fill in the chart with information from the reading material.
how to make her house more cheerful,she understood it was really cheerful to share happiness with others.
  step4: read for comprehension
t: we’ve got a general idea about the passage. should we try to know more information? let’s read the story more carefully and find out the answers to the following questions:
1.can you find a word in the passage with the same meaning of “cheerful”?
2.how did she do to choose the best cheerful house?
3.what puzzled her most with the so many pictures?
4.what did the news refer to?
5.what can be inferred from the underlined part?
  ss: (in silence) different answers:
s2:she painted picture after picture.
s3:she still couldn’t decide which colour would make her house look as cheerful as cheerful can be.高中英语文章
s4:dinsmore painted very well.
s5:the secret to happiness is to share it with others.
s6:true happiness comes from the mind /as cheerful as cheerful can be
  step 5: sharing information
t: miss dinsmore thought her house was a cheerful house, especially when good friends came to visit her eventually. it was as cheerful as cheerful could be. how can we stay happy ? to figure out the meaning of the happy life, let’s complete the following sentences. please discuss it with your deskmate . let’s see which group will
  do best!(with the help of the pictures on the screen)
be______while facing difficulties enjoy the f______
take one’s c_____ in both hands r_____ the weaker
have w____ and courage have some t_____friends
s____ more ready to h_____ others
take exercise to keep h_____ learn to s_____
be w______ to forgive
(let the students exchange opinions about each picture on the screen.)
suggested answers:
们能在课堂教学活动中真正有一种学习主人的滋味,有一种成功的渴望和感受。把教学活动变成了真正的交际活动,并将课堂活动推向高潮, 从而提炼出文章的主旨大意。希望通过阅读过程中渗透总分总的思维模式,引导学生形成条理分明,逻辑清晰的思维习惯,最终促成同样的写作习惯。
step6 :writing
1. brainstorming
t: if you had a friend who was unhappy, how would you try to help him or her? based on the passage, what can we advise our friends to do only to live a happy life? you are to have chances to voice your opinions to the class.