hence  adv.因此  nevertheless  adv.然而  seize  v.抓住 
desperation  n.绝望  accompany  v.陪伴  unconscious  adj.无意识的  adventure n.冒险
1.get rid of  摆脱掉
2.attract ones attention  吸引...的注意
3.a sense of desperation    绝望感
4.as a matter of fact    实际上
5.make up ones mind  决定
6.cherish life  珍惜生命
1. so...  结果状语从句的倒装结构。
2.It be extremely   that引导的主语从句。
3It be ...  强调句
My boat was gradually pilled towards the deeper part.So dangerous was the situation that it was impossible for me to get rid of the risk without others help.(描写“我”在海中所面临的危险情况。)Hence,I shouted loudly in order to attract my siblings attention.(面对危险,“我”大喊寻求救援。)Nevertheless,it was extremely evident that they didnt hear me.Whats worse,a big wave came and threw me from the boat.(“我”的“报警”没有效,更糟糕的是,一个大浪打来“我”落水了。)I was seized by a strong sense of desperation,struggling in the water,waving my hands with all my strength.(落水后,“我”在水中拼命挣扎)After a while ,I began to sink and lost my thought.(结果“我”开始失去意识)
When I came to life,I was lying in a bed.I was accompanied by my parents and siblings in
the hospital.(“我”的家人陪着我,大家都很关心我的情况。)As a matter of fact,it was my brother that saw and saved me from the sea.(醒来后“我”才知道是我哥哥救了我。)I was unconscious when I was rescued.They immediately sent me to the hospital.(“我”被救后又被送去医院。进一步描写前段的情节,与上文呼应。)Feeling fortunate,I 高中英语文章made up my mind to cherish life and not to try such adventure again.(“我”从中吸取经验教训。)Mother said we would have a celebration for another life given to me.I told them the celebration would never be held at the beach.(文章最后一个圆满的结局。)