Section Ⅳ Developing ideas & Presenting ideas
第一步 速读——了解文章主题和段落大意
What is the main idea of the text?
ALisa is about to go to college.
BOrientation Day is helpful for students.
CLisa gives us her advice about high school.
DTry to be a rainbow in someone's cloud.
[答案] C
第二步 细读——把控文章关键信息
1What is NOT true about the Orientation Day for Lisa?
ABe useful for Senior Ⅰ.
BKnow the school better.
CMaking more friends.
DStarting a new course.
2How did Lisa feel about the chemistry test?
AHelpful.      BBetter.
CScared.      DEasy.
3What was the disappointed moment for Lisa?
AFailing to enter the end­of­year competition.
BBeing a member of the school team.
CWinning the volleyball competition.
DSupporting her teammates during training.
4Why did Lisa mention Maya Angelou?
ATo look back at her senior high school.
BTo give some advice about senior life.
CTo help her friends in need a hand.
DTo see the rainbow after the rain.
[答案] 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B
第三步 研读——能力升华 接轨高考
Lisa Osborne 1.graduated(graduate) from high school last June and is about go(go) to college.Here she is going to share her 3.suggestions(suggest) for high school with us.She feels Orientation Day was really 4.helpful(help)for her to know the school and others better and
tells us to keep open mind and take part as much as possible.She still remembered when she was frightened the sight of the chemistry test paper 7.and when she wasn't selected for the volleyball competition.But she decided to go all out and work hard to support 8.her (she)teammates.There is always 9.a way to be part of something we love.The 10.most important(important) advice she gives isTry to be a rainbow in someone's cloud”.
1The post about Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong got more than one million views(观看) in one day.
2The little girl felt frightened(恐惧的) when she saw the terrible traffic accident.
3Douglas fell in love with China at the first sight(看见) of the beautiful country.
4I figured(经过考虑后认为)if I took the night trainI could be in Scotland by morning.
5She graduated from a famous university last year and is working here.
6You'd better grasp the precious opportunity to apply for the position.
7I remember the moment when I first saw him after the operation.
8He saidI have had a lot of comments about that carving in particular
1graduate v.毕业n.毕业生→graduation n.毕业
2select v.选择,选拔→selection n.选择,选拔
3fright n.恐惧,害怕 frighten v.使恐惧,吓唬→frightened adj.恐惧的,害怕的→frightening adj.令人恐惧的
1around the corner      在拐角处;即将来临
2be about to      正要做……
3share sth.with      ……分享……
4in particular      尤其
5keep an open mind      保持开放的心态
6for sure      肯定地
7at the sight of      一看到……
8go all out      全力以赴
9look back at      回顾;回忆
10sum up      总结
1I was about to pick up the phone when it stopped ringing.
2Looking back at her senior life, Lisa felt excited and encouraged.
3No one knows the results of the test for sure
4All the players went all out to defeat the Brazil Volleyball Team.
5Wu Lei turned around at the sight of  his English teacher.
6I wish to thankin particularall the people who have made this exhibition possible.
7Please sum up what you said just now and give us your final decision.
8With the National Day around the cornerhe is busy preparing for his travel plan.
1.I feel as if high school was only yesterday
as if引导的表语从句
I feel as if I were about to see some old friend again.
2.You must have had some moments when you were disappointed.
must have done 对过去已经发生的事情的肯定推测,when引导定语从句
He must have finished his homework.Look, he is playing basketball now.
I still remember the first time when I saw the shy boy.
3.If sohow did you deal with them
if 引导的省略句
If so, you would be wrong because he really didn't take your umbrella.
4....but the teacher spoke so fast that I couldn't take everything down
He explained the grammar so clearly that even I could understand it.
view n(一次)观看,浏览; 景; (个人的)看法;视野 vt.……视为; 看; 观看
(教材P9)1231 views 1231次浏览
In this lecture, I can only give you a purely personal view of how we can live life to the full.观点;见解
He climbed up to the top of the church tower to get a better view of the entire city.风景
If we sit near the front of the buswe'll have a better view.视野
I got an opportunity to view the movie before it was released.观看
(1)in view of       鉴于; 考虑到
in one's view      在某人看来
come into view      看得见
have a good view of      清楚地看到; 饱览
take/hold the       ……的观点
(as...      ……看作……
In view of the present situation, we'll have to change our original plan.
In my view, you should follow your teacher's advice.
As the car approached the town center, several tall buildings came into view.