介绍中国书法的英语演讲稿_Speech on Chinese Calligraphy 4篇
导读:关于”介绍中国书法的演讲稿“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Speech on Chinese Calligraphy。以下是关于介绍中国书法的演讲稿的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。关于”介绍中国书法的演讲稿“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Speech on Chinese Calligraphy。以下是关于介绍中国书法的演讲稿的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。高分英语作文1:Speech on Chinese CalligraphyMy hobby, Chinese calligraphy, is faster than the Spring Festival. My father and I went to the square to take photos. We saw that rows of stalls were selling couplets.Some avant-garde stalls were full of curiosity. I ran over to have a look, and I crowded in. I was a young grandfather.All the works were written in the process of citizens' free writing couplets. After finishing, I would get others At that time, I really wanted to learn calligraphy, so I signed up for calligraphy training in drunken ink Pavilion. Mr.Li taught us how to capitalize the pen and some basic strokes. He told us that the most important practice of calligraphy is not to worry. If you want to be patient, after class, I began to write with ink.The pen didn't listen to me, and no teacher said that I could use it at will, The funniest thing is that I don't know when to exercise, my hands and clothes will touch
some ink, because I usually have to go to school, and I go to learn calligraphy on Sunday. When I finish my homework, I practice a word with him, mainly to copy Ouyang Xiu's font slowly. My big characters are much better than before.I play games with my father occasionally at home. My father praises me for my good writing, Li The teacher also praised me for my good progress, so I was particularly confident to take a look. At the twelfth word, I had a piece of work, which was Li Bai's "the Lushan watell".It was even more beautiful when I went up the mountain. I hung it in my study. My guests always appreciated my works before and after the Spring Festival.Mr. Li taught us to write Spring Festival couplets. First, learn origami, then cursive script.If you can't say it's good, you should hang it“ "Happiness" is reversed, and I wrote a lot of couplets, hanging "happiness" upside down, for grandma and relatives to listen to, I heard their praise, happy than the prize, get everyone's affirmation, and I am now more interested in calligraphy, more than a year later, whether it is Sunday or holiday, I am actively learning calligraphy, I am looking forward to greater progress, to participate in some writing I believe that I will overcome all difficulties, adhere to the road of calligraphy and become a calligrapher.中文翻译:我的爱
条路,成为一名书法家。万能作文模板2:关于中国书法的演讲Chinese calligraphy is an ancient art of writing Chinese characters. From oracle bone inscriptions, stone drum inscriptions, gold inscriptions to big seal characters, small seal characters, and official script, to regular script and running script in the Eastern Han, Wei and Jin Dynasties, Chinese calligraphy has always exuded artistic charm. Chinese character is a unique traditional art in China.Chinese characters are created by the working people. After thousands of years of development, they began to use pictures to record things. Because the ancestors invented the brush characters, Chinese characters evolved into today's Chinese characters.They have calligraphy from ancient times to the present. The brush has always been the main way to write Chinese characters. The writing rules of other writing forms, such as hard pen and finger writing, are not very different from those of brush writing, but basically, calligraphy refers to Is the writing style, according to the character's characteristic and the significance carries on the structure and the constitution, causes it to become one kind of esthetic artistic work.中文翻译:中国书法是一门古老的汉字书写艺术,从甲骨文、石鼓、金文到大篆、小篆、隶书,再到东汉、魏晋时期的楷书、行书,中国书法
一直散发着艺术魅力。汉字是中国特有的传统艺术。汉字是劳动创造的,经过几千年的发展,开始用图画记录事物,由于先民发明了毛笔字,汉字演变成今天的汉字,他们从古到今都有书法,毛笔一直是书写汉字的主要方式,其他书写形式,如硬笔、指书等,其书写规则与毛笔没有太大区别,但基本上书法指的是书写风格,根据人物的特点和意义进行结构和构成,使之成为一种审美的艺术作品。满分英语范文3:介绍中国书法的演讲稿Calligraphy is the essence of Chinese culture. Besides meeting the needs of daily writing, calligraphy has developed into a special advanced art. For thousands of years, if there is a strong commercial atmosphere in Chinese shops, if you decorate some ancient and elegant cultural and calligraphy works in the living room and study, you will get some elegant bedrooms, which can be very beautiful.If you decorate calligraphy works into works of art, calligraphy writing is very special. The Chinese characters were written on rice , which absorbed the ink well and then hung on the wall. Most of the calligraphy works are a poem or a motto.If it is written, the host will like to be presided over by the host himself, which will show his interest and talent more.中文翻译:书法是中国文化的精髓,它除了满足日常书写的需要外,已经发展成为一门特殊的高级艺术。几千年来,在中国的商店里,如果有浓厚的