  Patriotism is an eternal topic. With the turning of the wheel of history for thousands of years, patriotic culture has precipitated. Years have made the patriotic culture mellow, and I can't help but revel in it.
  The world is yours and ours, but in the final analysis, it is yours. Your young people are full of vitality, like the sun at eight, nine or o'clock in the morning. Hope is placed on you! Whenever I remember these words, my heart is boiling with blood. We are also determined to live up to the expectations of a generation of leaders for our future generations. We are in the prime of life and in high spirits. Why not open up our own sky? Then work hard from now on, for the motherland and for your future! Work hard from now on!
  As the next generation of the motherland, "patriotism" has undoubtedly become the benchmark of our
middle school students. Patriotism is a sacred and solemn "act". Facts have proved that all people with lofty ideals regard patriotism as the first spiritual pillar, indeed, because they know that the of the country is closely related to their own future. The death of the lips and the cold of the teeth is an obvious example. Huo Qubing "does not destroy the Xiongnu and does not live at home", and Wen Tianxiang "who has not died since ancient times, stay in the history".
  It is a well-known story. Qin Hui betrayed his country for prosperity, and Wu Sangui brought troops into the Qing Dynasty, which was reviled by all ages. Following the objective law, people respect patriots who are "rich and noble, powerful and unyielding" and hate those who are servile and traitorous. If you were allowed to choose, how would you choose? I believe you are not stupid enough to be a notorious "pest"!
  Although today's society is a peaceful society. However, patriotic feelings can still be reflected in each of us at ordinary times, or in everything. We should set up a patriotic thought from childhood, study hard and master our skills. Self confident, selfless and fearless. Only in this way can we contribute to the prosperity and strength of our motherland when we grow up!  After the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan, patriotism is the selflessness of disaster relief officers and soldiers in saving people, the eyes and help of volunteers in the disaster area, and the enthusiasm of hundreds of milli
ons of people throughout the country to donate money and materials. On the occasion of the Olympic Games, patriotism is the courageous struggle of athletes in the arena, a smile of volunteers, and the behavior of citizens not littering and watching the game in a civilized way   Let's start from the little things around us and contribute to the prosperity of our motherland and become a world power!
  Perhaps we have seen the word "patriotism" countless times. Some people love their country quietly and some people love their country enthusiastically and heroically. It's really coquettish. Let's see how they love their country.
  There was a man who was in the state of Chu during the Warring States period. When he was an official, the country was in a state of war preparation. He constantly advised the monarch of the state of Chu and tried to rule the country with morality, but he didn't want to offend many ministers in the officialdom and be exiled. But he did not regret, wrote the world-famous "Lisao", showed his loyalty, and finally threw himself into the Miluo River to die. He is Qu Yuan. Even if he knows that he will offend many ministers and even annoy the monarch, he should mention his suggestions to his monarch. For the sake of the country, he can't let the country fall like this. This is patriotism.
  If Qu Yuan's patriotism is vigorous, Su Shi's patriotism is another flavor. As we all know, Su Shi was deeply loved by the emperor and made good advice in the imperial court, but he was demoted because of the Wutai poetry case. Many people may only see his leisure and happiness after being demoted. As everyone knows, Su Shi still cares about state affairs after being demoted, and when he arrives at the demoted place, he often chats with the local people, pays attention to the people's livelihood and some national policies, and tries his best to give opinions to the local officials, which speeds up the solution of some social problems and is deeply loved by the people. Patriotism does not have to be vigorous. Some small actions at ordinary times are also patriotism. Think more for the country and the people. This is patriotism.
  The patriotic actions of the ancients are respected, but the patriotism of modern times is not inferior. In the Qing Dynasty, various corrupt systems made corruption and perverting the law no longer news, but "routine". Most of the people under this system have gradually become numb. At this time, an educated young man, deeply aware of the current situation of the country and determined to save the country from fire and water, launched the Guangzhou Huanghuagang uprising together with 71 other young people with the same ideal of serving the country. Before the uprising, he wrote a shocking letter with his wife, which showed his noble dedication to sacrifice everything for hundreds of millions of people to live a happy life. This
man is Lin Juemin. When the country was in deep disaster and dilemma, he knew that there were many difficulties, but his patriotism gave him strength. He died with honor for the country. This is patriotism.
  There are many ways of patriotism, even ordinary people, as long as they sincerely think of the country and the people, that is patriotism.
  I asked the students a question: do you really love your motherland? Students will say "what's the value of making a fuss?" yes, everyone is patriotic in thought, but have you ever thought about: as a student in the peaceful years of the era of knowledge economy, what patriotic actions will your patriotic thoughts be expressed through?
  Patriotism should not be an empty slogan, but should have real content. Because the state is not only an abstract concept, but also a tangible entity. The people's Republic of China covers 9.6 million square kilometers of territory and territorial sea, countless cities and villages, and countless schools and shops. What is the motherland? The motherland is every inch of land under your feet and every piece of sky above your head. Therefore, love the motherland, do not know the bloody battlefield, an
d resist the enemy's humiliation; Not only win the championship in the field, but also win the gold medal; Not just delving into technology and breaking the cutting edge; Not only export to earn foreign exchange, but also develop the economy. To love the motherland, you should first love everyone around you and your living environment.爱国的文章
  I saw the speech of a famous Taiwan professor in a magazine. The professor gave a vivid and vivid explanation of patriotism. He said: as a student, studying hard is patriotic; Abiding by discipline is patriotic; Civilized behavior is patriotism; Elegant speech is patriotic; A student's patriotism should be shown as turning off the unused tap and preventing the tap water from flowing in vain; Should not spit everywhere; It should be shown not to scribble on the wall. He cited such an example: after the 10000 people's Congress held in Hiroshima, Japan, there was not a piece of writing paper, a sputum mark or a melon seed skin on the venue of Nuo University. He couldn't help exclaiming: terrible Daiwa nation! It can be seen that the strength of Japan is not without reason. The root lies in the high quality of all their citizens. The patriotism of Japanese citizens is reflected in small things in daily life.
  The school is a holy land for educating people. It cultivates excellent talents with all-round development of morality, education, sports and beauty, code of conduct and elegant conversation, which not only requires students to study hard, but also requires everyone to strictly abide by the cod
e of daily behavior for primary school students. Please turn your patriotic thoughts into real patriotic actions!
  Today I want to introduce you to an ordinary Communist Party member. In terms of position, she is not high; In terms of length of service, she is not long; In terms of age, she is not big, but she is such an ordinary comrade. She adheres to the oath of joining the party in her heart. In an extremely ordinary job, she pursues and makes silent dedication, creates extraordinary achievements and becomes a model for us to learn. She is Comrade Xu Yang, an outstanding communist party member of Wuxi State Taxation Bureau and deputy chief of the accounting section of the collection and Statistics Department of the Municipal Bureau.
  Yes, Xu Yang is an ordinary person, but the title of Party member endows her with extraordinary courage and strength.  As a woman, Xu Yang, like other lesbians, bears the dual pressure of work and family. The old grandmother needs her meticulous care; Young and ignorant children need her patient and meticulous teaching; And her busy husband can't share more pressure for her. Between the dilemma of work and family, Xu Yang chose work, courage and strength. In the pilot work of centr
alized collection and primary accounting in the city, Xu Yang, as a tax accountant, has undertaken a lot of checking and reconciliation work. In those unforgettable days of more than a month, Xu Yang took his work seriously, but he was cruel to himself. Every day she is always the first to come to the office, but when she leaves, it is already full of stars. Finally, due to excessive fatigue, Xu Yang fell ill, but she insisted on not leaving her job. She didn't rush to the hospital until the last account was adjusted and checked correctly. It is with this strong sense of responsibility of Party members and women's unique meticulous that she grasped the last pass of centralized collection, made Wuxi Municipal Bureau take the lead in realizing centralized collection and primary accounting in the whole province, and attracted extensive attention of the national tax system. In fact, this time, the tax accountant at the centralized collection point has to face a large amount of collection data and information from the city's national tax system every month. She has red eyes in the face of the computer during many days; How many nights she turned off the last light in the office building; How many holidays, her skillful keyboard broke the silence of the national tax building. However, this is her choice, which reflects the ordinary and moving professionalism of a communist, that persistence and pursuit, that love and affection, that no resentment and no regret.
  Yes, Xu Yang is an ordinary person, but the title of Party member has refined her extraordinary exquisite skills.
  Ignite the fire of patriotism. Childhood is not eternal for everyone, because when you are born, death is born with you. Every moment of life is moving towards death, so we can only seize every moment of life.
  Horace tells us: imagine that this is your last day every day. The more loveable the tomorrow you don't expect will be. This sentence is to let us cherish life and appreciate every day of life. As everyone knows, life is disabled. Micro viewing, life is short, only 60 or 70 years, up to 100 years. If there is any accident on the way, I'm afraid I won't live that long. However, how many people really live for themselves? How many people really find themselves? How many brains are you racking to climb up? How much effort does it take to make a lot of money?
  In fact, rather than making a lot of money, you are made by money, because money takes away your youth, time, physical strength and life. In fact, we often don't know how much weight life can bear and how tenacious life is. What we know better is the fragility of life. Failure in exams, frustration in promotion, disharmony among neighbors, family conflicts, empathy between lovers, children's quarrels, brothers' quarrels, and so on. Even many trivial things that can't afford chopsticks
make people irrational and lead to life crisis: suicide or murder. So many profound philosophers sigh how fragile life is after summing up all kinds of life.
  The ancient boatman had a saying that there was hell under the board of the boat. It's just a board apart. There are two environments of life and death. It can be seen that the fragility of life will be subject to disaster anytime and anywhere. If we have this kind of consciousness, we keep in our hearts that now is the last moment of life, and we won't panic in any situation.