Every boy wants to find treasure. And Tom was no different. One summer day Tom told Huck about his idea.
“Where can we look for treasure?” asked Huck.
“It’s hidden on islands, under dead trees, but mostly under the floors in haunted(闹鬼的) houses.”
“Who hides it?”
“Robbers(劫匪). You can find a box with a hundred dollars in it, or a chest full of diamonds(钻石).”
So, on Saturday afternoon the boys went to look for treasure at the haunted house on Cardiff Hill. It was a quiet and lonely place. And the boys looked at each other in fear. They entered quietly, and explored downstairs. There were cobwebs(蜘蛛网) everywhere and everything was old and broken. Then they threw their tools in a corner and walked upstairs, but there was nothing there. They were just about to go downstairs and start digging when Tom stopped.
中考记叙文“What is it?” whispered Huck, going white with fear.
“Keep still! There’s someone downstairs!”
The boys lay down, looking through the holes in the wooden floor. There were two men downstairs. One was an old Spaniard(西班牙人) in a wide hat. The other was dirty and unpleasant-looking. The boys shook with fear.
Then the Spaniard spoke. It was Indian Joe. Tom and Huck felt even more frightened.
The men sat down on the floor and ate. They then lay down and fell asleep. When the two
men woke up, the stranger said, “It’s time for us to move, partner. What will we do with the $650 from the robbery?”
“Let’s keep $30 each and leave the rest here.”
The dirty man went to the fireplace(壁炉) and moved a stone. Then he lifted out a bag full of money and took out some coins.
The two boys forgot all their fears. There was real treasure downstairs.
—Adapted from the Adventures of Tom Sawyer
1.Except Tom and Huck, how many people are mentioned in the passage?
A.1.    B.2.    C.3.    D.4.
2.According to Tom, what may not be included in the hidden treasure?
A.Dollars.    B.Diamonds.    C.Golds.    D.Silvers.
3.How did Tom and Huck feel when they found the two men downstairs?
A.Worried.    B.Excited.    C.Afraid.    D.Happy.
4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Tom thought Spaniards liked hiding treasure.   
B.The two man got the $650 through robbery.
C.The two man took the $650 away.
D.The two men hid the money under the floor.
5.Why didn’t Tom and Huck feel frightened at last?
A.The two man made friends with them.
B.Their attention was caught by the money.
C.They left the house and ran away.
D.They decided to fight with the two man.
Growing up, I thought math class was something to be endured, not enjoyed. I disliked memorizing formulas (公式) and taking tests, all for the dull goal of getting a good grade. One of my teachers told my mother that I was “slow”. But my problem wasn’t with math itself. In fact, when a topic seemed particularly interesting, I would go to the library and read more about it.
By high school, no one told me that I could become a professional mathematician. What I wanted to do then was to play college football. My goal was to get an athletic scholarship to attend a Big Ten school.
The chances of that happening were very low. But that didn’t stop my coaches from encouraging me to believe I could reach my goal, and preparing and pushing me to work for it. They made video tapes of my performances and sent them to college coaches around the country. In the end, a Big Ten school, Penn State, did offer me a scholarship.
I wish math teachers were more like football coaches. Students are influenced by more than just the quality of a lesson plan. They also react to the passion of their teachers and the engagement of their peers and they try to achieve a sense of purpose. They get advantages from detailed and exact instructions and constant feedback (反馈).
Until I got to college, I didn’t really know what mathematics was. I still thought of it as laborious (耗时费力的) calculations. Then my professor handed me a book and suggested that I should think about a particular problem. It wasn’t easy, but it was attractive. My professor kept giving me problems, and I kept chasing them, even though I couldn’t always solve them immediately. The mathematical research I was doing had little in common with what I did in my high school classrooms. Instead, it was closer to the math and logic puzzles I did on my own as a boy. It gave me the same sense of wonder and curiosity, and it rewarded creativity. I am now a Ph.D candidate (候选人) in mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
6.Why did the writer think math class in school was “something to be endured” before entering college?