六一儿童节作文 英语中文互译
On Children's Day this year, I woke up to a surprise—a whimsical fairy tale dress hanging by my window. Mom had sewn it just for me, adorned with sparkles and tiny flowers that seemed to dance in the sunlight. At school, we were all dressed up as our favorite storybook characters. I became Princess Rose, and my classmates transformed into brave knights, mischievous pirates, and wise wizards. We laughed, played games, and shared sweet treats during the joyful celebration. The highlight of the day was when we enacted scenes from our costumes' stories, bringing our imaginations to life.
In the afternoon, there was a special magic show where a magician pulled bunnies out of hats and made doves appear from thin air. Wide-eyed, I watched as he turned my friend Lily into a “princess” too, draping a sparkling tiara upon her head. Our laughter echoed through the auditorium as we marveled at the wonders unfolding before us.