It is difficult for people to succeed professionally without sacrificing important aspects of their personal life. In short, in view of the increasingly high professional requirements of today's professionals, it is still possible to realize personal life by working smarter, setting priorities and making appropriate career choices. Science and technology are becoming more and more important to modern society.
Schools should spend more time teaching science and technology, and less on arts and humanities. In short, schools should not spend less time on arts and humanities. These areas of research expand and strengthen the study of mathematics and science, which not only helps to protect the richness of our entire human heritage, but also inspires us to further develop.
In addition, the humanities provide the method and environment to evaluate our technical ethics and determine its correct direction + job security and compensation should be based on employee performance, not reward employees for years of service, but mainly because th
ey have worked for many years and do not encourage them to maintain consistent high productivity. At the end of the day, the statement correctly identifies performance as the best standard for wages and job security. However, this statement is too much.
It ignores the fact that the increase in the cost of living of lifelong employees not only increases loyalty, but ultimately productivity, but also requires how far the boss should go when criticizing the performance of subordinates? As we all know, some very successful managers rely on verbal abuse and intimidation. Do you think it's an effective way to convey expectations. If not, what alternatives should managers use when dealing with someone? If employees' work is not satisfactory, supervisors should avoid abusing and threatening their subordinates, and in the long run, these methods are unlikely to produce the best results.
When dealing with unsatisfactory work performance, it is more respectful to deal with problems in a clear way, which may be more effective, honest and supportive feedback in general.