    In life, we often face the dilemma of choosing between two options, one with a seemingly greater value (the watermelon) and the other with a lesser value (the sesame seeds). While it may seem logical to prioritize the watermelon, there are times when it is wiser to secure the sesame seeds first, even if it means temporarily setting aside the watermelon.
    This strategy, known as the "sesame seed principle," emphasizes the importance of focusing on the smaller, more attainable goals first. By doing so, we create a foundation for future success and avoid the risk of losing out on both the watermelon and the sesame seeds.
    The following are some examples of how the sesame seed principle can be applied in different situations:
    In business: Instead of pursuing a large, risky investment with a low probability of success,
it may be more prudent to invest in smaller, more manageable projects that have a higher likelihood of generating a profit.
    In education: Rather than aiming to master a complex subject all at once, it is more effective to break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks. This allows us to gradually build our knowledge and skills, reducing the risk of feeling overwhelmed and giving up.
    In personal relationships: Instead of expecting our loved ones to meet all of our needs, it is important to appreciate the small gestures and acts of kindness they offer. By focusing on the sesame seeds, we foster a stronger and more fulfilling relationship.