The Fable of the Man Who Lost the Bigger Melon for a Smaller Grain of Corn
Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a diligent and hardworking farmer.He had a melon plantation and was known for growing the largest and sweetest melons in the area.One day, while tending to his plants, he noticed a mouse scurrying around his field.The farmer decided to set up a trap to catch the mouse.
To lure the mouse, the farmer placed a small grain of corn near the trap.Unfortunately, while setting the trap, he accidentally dropped a large, perfectly ripe melon onto the ground, breaking it into pieces.The farmer,distracted by the broken melon, failed to notice the mouse taking the grain of corn and the trap going off.
Later that day, the farmer"s neighbor, who was also a farmer, came by to visit.Seeing the broken melon, he asked the farmer what had happened.The farmer explained the whole incident, feeling upset about losing such a valuable melon.The neighbor, wisely, said, "My friend, you have lost a big melon for a small grain of corn.It seems you have gained a mouse but lost a treasure."
The farmer realized the truth in his neighbor"s words and learned a valuable lesson.From that day forward, he became more focused and mindful, ensuring he did not repeat the mistake of focusing on the small gains while ignoring the big picture.
为了吸引老鼠,农民在陷阱旁边放了一颗小玉米粒。不幸的是,在设置陷阱的时候,他不小心掉了一个又大又熟的西瓜在地上,把它摔成了碎片。农民因为 broken melon而分心,没有注意到老鼠把玉米粒拿走了,陷阱也触发了。