纸牌屋  第一季第一集
-你干什么Hey- what are you doing?
-你看清肇事的车了吗\Did you get a good look?
-只看到是辆蓝丰田佳美lue Toyota Camry- it's all I saw-
-是沃顿家的狗It's the Wharton's dog-
Oh- man- - He's not gonna make it-
-去看看他们在不在家\Go see if they're at home-
没事了It's ok-
痛苦分两种There are two kinds of pain-
一种让你变得更强--The sort of pain that makes you strong---
另一种毫无价值or useless pain---
只是徒添折磨The sort of pain that's only suffering-
我对没价值的东西也没耐心\I have no patience for useless things-
这种时刻  需要有人采取行动Moments like this require someone who will act---
-或做一些不好的事\or do the unpleasant thing-
但也是必要的事or the necessary thing-
痛苦结束了No more pain-
肇事逃逸  我很遗憾It was a hit and run- I'm awfully sorry-
他肯定又自己跳出了庭院He must have jumped over the fence again-
史蒂夫会就肇事车信息报案}Look- Steve's gonna file a report on the car-
他会派下属去处理he'll put his people on it-
我们会到那个司机的We'll track him down-
你真是光彩照人You're stunning-
我们走吧Shall we?
三---二---一---\Three two---one---
新年快乐Happy New Year!
-当选总统  加勒特·沃克-Oh- President elected Garrett Walker-
-我喜欢他吗  不-Do I like him? No-
我信任他吗  这不是重点-Do I believe in him? That's beside the point-
任何一个能获得七千万选票的政客  Any politician that gets -- million votes
-他所象征的含义早已超过了自身-has tapped into something larger than himself-
-当然也超过了我  尽管我不愿意承认-larger than even me as much as I hate to admit it-
-看那胜者的笑脸  那些信任的眼神-Look at that winning smile- those trusting eyes-
-我一早便抓住了他  并扮演了重要角-I clung to him early on- and made myself vital-
-在国会待了--年-After -- years in congress
  -我能嗅到风头的走向-I can smell which way the wind is going-
-吉姆·马修斯  尊敬的副总统阁下-Jim Matthews- his right honorably Vice-President-
-前宾夕法尼亚州州长-Former Governor of Pennsylvania-
-他帮总统拿下了宾州-He did his duty in delivering the Keystone State-
-上帝保佑他-Bless his heart-
-现在他们想让他退休了-And now they're about to put him out to pasture-
但他看上去挺开心的  不是吗-But he looks happy- now doesn't he?
-在有些人看来  就是椅子大点罢了-For some- it's simply the size of the chair-
-琳达·瓦斯奎兹  沃克的幕僚长-Linda Vasquez- Walker's chief of staff-
-是我来了她  她是个女人-I got her hired- She's a woman- check-
-又是拉丁裔-And a Latina- check-
  -但更重要的是  她像一块廉价牛排一样坚韧-But more important than that- she's as tough as two-dollar steak-
-样样都符合标准-Check- check- check-
-要入住白宫-When it comes to the White House-
-你不仅要揣好钥匙-you not only need the keys in your back pocket-
-还需要一个看门人-You need the gatekeeper-
-而我  我只是卑微的众议院多数党党鞭-As for me- I'm just a lowly house majority whip-
-我维持这个被琐事-I keep things moving in a Congress
-和倦怠堵塞的众议院的运转-choked by pettiness- and lassitude-
-我的工作就是疏通管道让污泥流动 My job is to clear the pipes- and keep the sludge moving-
但我这水管工要退休了 我尽了职责 -But I won't have to be a plumber much longer- I've done my time-
-我支持了对的人-I backed the right man-
-付出与索取-Give and take-
-这就是华盛顿-Welcome to Washington-
--你该理发了-You need a haircut-
-是吗-You think?
-稍修剪一下-A little trim-
-你准备穿什么-What are you gonna wear?
-去会面吗-正式宣布的时候-- You mean for the meeting? - For the announcement-
我准备穿海军蓝  带细条纹的那套-I'm wearing my navy blue- the one with the pinstripes-
-那套西服很衬你-You look handsome in that suit-
-难说他们会不会在你的董事会前宣布-I don't know if they will announce it before your board meeting-
-只要这笔捐款保证能拿到就行-Well- as long as I can say the donation is coming-
一正式宣布  桑科公司就会给你支票-As soon as it's official- Sancorp will write you the check-
--今年对我们将会是重要的一年-This is going to be a big year for us-
--哪一个委员会-Community of what?
--我猜是移民  银行或者教育  但是----I would say immigration- banking or education- but---
-但我常规的联络人都无法确认-None of my regular sources can confirm that-
-他们是不知道  还是不愿说-They don't know- or because they're not talking?
-他们不知道-Because they don't know-
-继续查  挖点东西出来-Keep at it- get me something-
-对不起  真抱歉  汉默施密特先生-Sorry- I'm so sorry Mr- Hammerschmidt-
巴恩斯-嗯-- Barnes - Right-白岩松演讲
-他当年也过了一年才记住你是谁吗-Did it take him a year to remember your name?
-早上好  卢卡斯-Good morning- Lucas-
-有什么事吗  佐伊-What can I do for you- Zoe?
-我受不了费尔法克斯的郡议会了-I am sick of the Fairfax county council-
--你每天都这么说-让我做网络报道-- You tell me everyday- - Move me online-
-让我开博客-My own blog-
-第一人称  主观视角  五百字篇幅-First person- subjective- --- words-
--没门-我去挖掘秘密-- Not gonna happen- - I'll go underground-
-幕后消息  甚至去翻夜壶-backrooms- the urinals!
-去争取国会的人-I'll win over staff members on the Hill-
-他们也需要发泄-They need a place to vent-