STUDENT NUMBER: A12120272 NAME: Shilei CLASS: English 1202
Inorder to find out what the life it was in the past in China, I intervewed a grangpa in our shool’s little park, who is at about his 60s.Q(Question): Hello, nice to meet you.Thank you for accepting my interview.A(Answer): Nice to meet you too.Q: Em, you look like about at 60s, right? Would you like to tell me when people mostly used bikes? A:Yeah, I was born in 1953 and I’m 61years old now.Actually, you know China was been named of “The Kingdom of Bicycle” in the past.I remember my grandpa told me that bicycle was introduced in China in the late 19th century.Then in 1960s, 1970s, when I was a young man, bicycle along with sewing machine and watch became the necessary three-major-items of marriage.Bicycle became really popular in the 1980s, it was the most important and most universal vehicle at that moment, the famous brands included “Yong jiu”, “Fenghuang”, “Feige”.The flow of thousands of bicycles during the rush hour was extremly awesome which made China beca
me “The Kingdom of Bicycle”.You might cannot realize that kind of feeling, but you have to know who had a bicycle at that time woule be jealous by others, especially our young guys.Q: But a bicycle must be very expensive at that time, right? A: Certainly!One bicycle costed about 200 yuanat that time while people’s salary just a few dozen yuan.It’s very precious.Q: Em, what about bus? When buses appeared? And how the buses of today compare with the buses when you were young? A: Haerbin’s buses were developed in the 1950s.When I was young , buses in Haerbin were still not widespread, just several bus-lines were operated.What’s more, the buses’ environment and situation were not very well when compared with the buses of today.Q: Well, I got it.How life was in your 20s’, 30s’, and 40s’? And every day life how it changed when you grew older? A: In my 20s’ , what I remember most was that you had to take the tickets or certificates to buy all the things you wanted and needed , and the number of those stuff was fixed by government, so you couldn’t buy a lot even you had money.Like the liquor, you had to buy it in state-run stores with certificate.If you wanted more, you might suppose to borrow the certificate from other family which was begrudge to buy the liquor , for the numeber of liquor was limited.And late
r, the individual business appeared and became more and more, so you could buy anything with money in stores.Since followed the policy of reform and opening, our daily lives became more and more colorful.Q: Do you rememberhow life changed when tall building were built? A:Em...In fact, the tall building didn’t bring much impact on our lives.At the beginning, we might feel shocked or wondering, but later we gradually accustomed to it.You can see, there are tall building everywhere nowadays.Q: What do you miss about the old days and what you do not miss? A: What May be the simplicity and kindness of those people, besides, at that time, they worked harder and braver.But I enjoy the high life quality of today, comprehensive health care system, varieties of entertainments, convenient public transit, etc.You know, the life in the old days is difficult.A: Yeah, sure it is.Alright then, thank to your narration, I know more details about the life in the old days, thank you!Q:It’s my pleasure!为了了解过去中国的生活是什么样的,我在学校的小公园里采访了一位60多岁的老爷爷。
问:你看起来大概60岁左右对吗?您能不能跟我讲一下人们用自行车最多是在什么时候呢? 答:当然。我出生于1953年,今年都61岁了。事实上,中国在过去被称为“自行车王国”呢。我记得我的姥爷告诉我自行车是在19世纪后期引进中国的。在六、七十年代,那时候我还年轻,自行车和缝纫机、手表是年轻人结婚必备的“三大件”。自行车真正流行起来是在80年代,那个时候自行车是最重要、最普遍的交通工具,出名的牌子有“永久”、“凤凰”、“飞鸽”。那个时候上下班高峰期自行车流非常壮观,中国也因此被称为“自行车王国”。你们现在可能体会不到那种感觉,但是在那个时候拥有一辆自行车是让人非常羡慕嫉妒的,特别是我们年轻人。
Today we are very sad, because our whole school is the most beautiful, the most tender, the most virtuous English teacher will belong to another person.今天我们非常伤心,因为我们全校最美丽,最温柔,最贤惠的英语老师即将属于另一个人。
She will give her heart entirely to another man.她将把她的心完全托付给另一人。
Today we are very happy because our teacher finally finished her one most important thing in life.今天我们又很开心因为我们的老师终于完成了她一生中最重要的事。
Today we are full of expectation.今天我们充满期待。
She will be the happiest woman in the world.她将成为世界上最幸福的女人。
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某人,你是他的整个世界。
Wishing you a world of happiness and love as all your dreams come true.但愿天从人愿,幸福与爱情无边!
Today we are very sad, because our whole school is the most beautiful, the most tender, the most virtuous English teacher will belong to another person.今天我们非常伤心,因为我们全校最美丽,最温柔,最贤惠的英语老师即将属于另一个人。
She will give her heart entirely to another man.她将把她的心完全托付给另一人。
Today we are very happy because our teacher finally finished her one most important thing in life.今天我们又很开心因为我们的老师终于完成了她一生中最重要的事。
Today we are full of expectation.今天我们充满期待。
She will be the happiest woman in the world.她将成为世界上最幸福的女人。
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某人,你是他的整个世界。
Wishing you a world of happiness and love as all your dreams come true.但愿天从人愿,幸福与爱情无边!
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