my views on cloning
cloning technology, an asexual reproduction technology, is a great progress and breakthrough of human and technology, on which scientists have achieved remarkable results.
however, cloning is a mixed blessing. in a sense, it brings countless benefits to us. firstly, by virtue of the technology, cloning change the genotype of crops, producing a large of number of disease resistance, inset resistance and other new varieties, which resulting in improving the production of crops greatly. secondly, it can cultivate a mass of fine varieties of livestock to bring more income to people, thus improving our living standard.thirdly, therapeutic cloning provides more living chance to those who suffer serious disease difficult to cure so that their families and their themselves can g
et rid of the plight. last but not least, it is conducive to clone the endangered animals and plants and protect the environment and species diversity. there is no doubt that cloning have make great differences to mankind, in essence, it also has cons. on the one hand,from the perspectiv
e of social ethics, the
reproductive cloning is an intervene to natural development of human being, possibly disobeying the natural law. on the other hand, from the family’s standpoint, what change the harmonious relationship among family members is the collapse of the normal human moral order. what’s more, on the sexual ethics, the cloning will totally change the way of fertility which is based on the
affection between each other, in some way causing the lack of love in the world. to be honest, what really get in the way of cloning is that the technology is not so mature by virtue of high stillbirth rates, fetal anomalies, death soon after birth, et cetera.
as far as i am concerned, i don not subscribe to cloning, especially reproductive cloning. a good many people attempt to do something against nature via cloning to serve their evil purpose, which will lead to inevitable chaos,threating our peaceful world. what i want to say is that”technology is a queer thing; it brings you great gifts with one hand,and it stabs you in the back with the other”.with many problems cloning brings in, i have no reason to send support to it and i will not come to tems with those who back the cloning.
for over a decade, the issue of clone has become a flashpoint in the world, setting off waves of fierce debates whether clone should be directly prohibited in law making in many countries, as well as imposing strongly divergence in medical field. over the past few years, the proponents have placed human organ cloning at the center of their agenda, steering money and muscle to persuade the law makers.
proponents of clone argue all the time that it is a bliss for human being to use clonin
g into organ transplantation. whereas the opponents regard clone as a harmful challenge against the bottom line of moral. during the 59th united nations general assembly, law committee passed through a political declaration by the overwhelming majority, asking every country to forbid any form of human cloning which obeyed humanity. on the contrary, china held a definite attitude towards this question that china approved of using cloning in healing person. though banned by the majority, this support gave the clone movement new momentum as well as let more people learn about therapeutic cloning.
the issue of clone came to the fore after the birthday of sheep dolly in 1996. clone from then on became not only a reality but the same time a big problem confusing many countries for years as well. the debate on whether clone should be forbidden becomes more and more controversial and hasn’t reached an agreement yet.
1. 诚实是一种优秀的品德
2. 好有好报,恶有恶报
3. 诚实并不过时
honesty is a good virtue. it has always been an important part of the chinese character. and it is widely advocated and commonly approved in our society that one should be an honest person, honest both in word and in deed.
honesty pays. those who behave honestly, though they may sometimes suffer losses, will win others’ trust and respect in the long run, while those going in for dishonest practice for long usually come to bad ends. facts have proved the truth in the english proverb “honesty is the best policy.” a good case in point is that corrupt officials, one after another, have been exposed and punished by law in our country. chen xi-tong ,wang bao-sen, hu chang-qing, just to name a few examples.
honest is not out of style. although dishonest conduct is still in existence in recent y
ears, most of our people tend to pay respect to honest ones and feel disguised at dishonest ones. they hope for honesty in all fields, for it is the foundation on which our country can stand among the nations in the world. in fact they are also working honestly for the good of the country and society. many of them have made extraordinary achievements at their ordinary posts and have won people’s love and admiration. so we can say with pride and confidence that honesty is not and will never be out of style in our society.
  my view on college students’ part-time jobs
nowadays, there is a wide discussion whether college students should part-time jobs or not.
over take
some people think that there are many advantages for college students. firstly, part-time jobs offer them opportunities to apply what they have learned in school into the
practical use. and consequently, they will put all the efforts on what would be useful in future, which will shorten the distance between the practical use and the academic knowledge. secondly, it also provides them the chance to experience making money through their own labor and then they would become more independent and self- confident. thirdly, part-time experiences may be of help to their future careers. they may well find their place in the future social life.