    The phenomenon you described can be explained by two main factors: social norms and cognitive biases.
    Social norms: Society has certain expectations and standards of behavior that people are expected to follow. These norms are often reinforced through social pressure, such as approval or disapproval from others. In this case, the social norm may be to avoid expressing negative emotions in public. This is because negative emotions can be seen as disruptive or uncomfortable, and people may be reluctant to make others feel uncomfortable.
    Cognitive biases: Cognitive biases are systematic errors in thinking that can lead people to make irrational decisions or judgments. In this case, the cognitive bias may be the "negativity bias." This bias refers to the tendency for people to give more weight to negative information than positive information. This can lead people to overestimate the likelihood of negative eve
nts and underestimate the likelihood of positive events. In the context of the phenomenon you described, this bias may lead people to dwell on negative experiences and emotions, and to avoid expressing them in public.
    Overall, the phenomenon you described can be explained by a combination of social norms and cognitive biases. These factors can lead people to suppress their negative emotions in public, even if they are feeling them internally.
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