    In today's rapidly changing world, the ability to communicate effectively in multiple languages is becoming increasingly important. English, as the global lingua franca, holds a prominent position in the international arena. As such, it is essential for individuals to develop a strong foundation in English language proficiency. This essay will provide comprehensive sentence templates that can be readily employed in various written communication scenarios, particularly in the context of the English language proficiency exam known as the CET-4.
    1. Expressing Opinions and Ideas。
    Template 1:
        In my opinion, [opinion or idea]. (我认为,[意见或想法])。
        I believe that [opinion or idea]. (我相信,[意见或想法])。
        It is my view that [opinion or idea]. (我认为,[意见或想法])。
    Template 2:
        I would argue that [opinion or idea]. (我认为,[意见或想法])。
        I would suggest that [opinion or idea]. (我建议,[意见或想法])。
        I would contend that [opinion or idea]. (我认为,[意见或想法])。
    2. Describing and Explaining。
    Template 1:
        [Subject] is [adjective]. ( [主语] 是 [形容词])。
        [Subject] can be described as [noun]. ( [主语] 可以被描述为 [名词])。
        [Subject] has the characteristics of [adjective]. ( [主语] 有 [形容词] 的特征)。四级英语作文范文
    Template 2:
        The reason for this is that [reason]. (原因是 [原因])。
        This is because [explanation]. (这是因为 [解释])。
        Due to the fact that [cause], [effect]. (由于 [原因],[影响])。
    3. Comparing and Contrasting。
    Template 1:
        [Subject A] is similar to [Subject B] in that [similarity]. ( [主语 A] 与 [主语 B] 类似,因为 [相似点])。
        [Subject A] and [Subject B] share the common trait of [common trait]. ( [主语 A] 和 [主语 B] 共有的特征是 [共同特征])。