Work Experience
Nowadasy many universities encourage and organize students to take part
in social practice activities . During the holidays , more and more students choose to be the volunteers , take part-time jobs , or take part in other practical activities alike . It's obvious that social practice is playing a more and more important role in China's college education .
Undoubtedly , college students have benefited a lot from social practice . On one hand , they are provided with more opportunities to contact the real world outside the campus and can apply their knowledge to the wolution to the practical problems . So their practical skills are improved greatly . On the other hand , social practice helps strengthen students' sense of social responsibility .
Considering the above-mentioned , I think , it is necessary for college students to participate in social practice . But it should be noted that some students may spend too much time on taking part-time jobs so as to ignore their study . Therefore , we should try to balance the relationship between social practice and study .
Should outsiders be allowed to study in university
Nowadays many universities ban outsiders to study in their classrooms. The y  send security personnel to guard each entrance to the classroom building s, only  students and teachers may enter. So whether universities shou ld allow outsiders to  study in their classrooms? My answer is yes.
There are three justifications listed to support my argument. Firstly,everyo ne has equal opportunities to study. What's more if we do so, the learning resour ces will be made full use which will help improve the situation that although ther e is a wealth of books in university library, the utilization rate is not high.If Seco ndly,to prevent out
siders to enter classrooms,there must be security personnel to guard each entran ce  which is an extraordinary waste of human capital and school must spend more money on paying for security personnel. Thirdly,it is good to boost the aca demic level of our nation.Superior education will speed up the pace of society. Fu rthermore, with the  average education level being developed, the more soci etal issues, such as murder  rates, unemployment rates, devoice rates and so  on, will be solved easily.
This is why I prefer to agree with that outsiders should be allowed to study i n  university classroom. St
udying in university is not only an inseparable par t of our life but also a significant complement to societal development.
An Important Skill
The world today is a very competitive place. Therefore, it is necessary to develop some skills to increase one’s chances of success. Many skills, for example, leadership, a second language, and technical skills such as computer programming, are very useful today. However, I believe that the most useful skill is the ability to communicate well with others.
It is impossible to overstate the importance of good communication skills. In today’s society we have to work cooperatively with others. A good communicator finds it easier to put forth his ideas clearly. In this way there will be fewer misunderstandings, which can lead to bad feelings as well as lost time and effort. In addition, a person with good communication skills is a good mediator and negotiator. He or she can play a valuable role in resolving disputes
knows something about it. You will try your best analyze it and understand it. Doing so always has a good effect on yourself.
The famous basketball player, Michael Jordan once said: "I love this game." When asked why he could get great achievements in basketball. Interest became the teacher of Jordan. The love of basketball took him into the glory of success.
Rooted in everyone’s heart, interest is not far away from us. What’s the most important is how you take it. Our hearts are many wireless stations,